The Limited Times

Syrian Social Nationalism: Syria has withstood the terrorist war

10/3/2019, 5:56:28 PM

Beirut, (SANA) - President of the Syrian National Socialist Party Fares Saad affirmed on Sunday that Syria is committed to defending the Palestinian cause


The head of the Syrian National Socialist Party Fares Saad said that Syria's adherence to defending the Palestinian cause and embracing the resistance is one of the reasons behind the terrorist war targeting it.

Saad said in a statement today that Syria has stood firm in the face of the global terrorist war and won and is accumulating achievements every day .. Besides the achievements of the military field there are major political, economic and cultural achievements, pointing out that the reopening of the Albukamal / existing crossing between Syria and Iraq is a significant event has implications At all levels, it is the beginning of breaking the unjust economic blockade imposed on Syria.

Saad said that the Arab regimes that participated in the war against Syria and supported terrorism and extremism with money, weapons and the media were the same ones that sold Palestine and printed with the Zionist enemy.

He pointed out that extremism and terrorism have a single origin is the Zionist racist settlement and the colonial powers that have divided our country and continue to fuel sedition and divisions in countries and sow chaos and devastation.