The Limited Times

Sectors meet at the UN headquarters in Quito to find a solution to crisis

10/9/2019, 2:53:26 PM

Members of the Government of Ecuador, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador and the Workers Front met Tuesday night at the headquarters of the Organization of the National…

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(CNN Spanish) - Members of the Government of Ecuador, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador and the Workers Front met Tuesday night at the headquarters of the United Nations Organization in Quito to explore whether there are conditions to start a dialogue, confirmed to CNN different sources that were present.

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Norman Wray of the Galapagos Government is one of the government officials who attended the meeting and explained to CNN that "they are initial approaches to generate conditions for dialogue." Wray told CNN that José Augusto Briones, secretary of the presidency, was also present. The official explained that the requests of the indigenous leadership were heard, leading the protests against the economic measures announced by the Lenin Moreno government.

The communication leader of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, Apawki Castro, confirmed to CNN that a delegation from the confederation was also present.

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For his part, Nelson Erazo of the Popular Front of Workers, confirmed to CNN that he participated in the meeting but clarified that "it does not mean that they will put aside the mobilizations."

This Tuesday, the UN offered to mediate between the parties involved in the political crisis that has worsened in Ecuador in recent days.

CNN is trying to get more details with the UN office and the Episcopal Conference of Ecuador, which has also called for dialogue and would have participated in the meeting.

With information from Ana María Cañizares

Ecuador Lenin Moreno Protests