The Limited Times

Turkish troops attack Syria “ready” US administration also “approved”

10/9/2019, 2:05:20 PM

The Turkish army is close, and there is an increased possibility of a cross-border attack on northern Syria, where the civil war continues. Turkey sees the armed organizations of the Kurdish minorities that dominate the north as a “terrorist organization”, and the Trump administration that has supported this armed organization also attacks ...

The Turkish army is close, and there is an increased possibility of a cross-border attack on northern Syria, where the civil war continues. This is because Turkey sees the minority Kurdish armed organizations that dominate the northern part as “terrorist organizations,” and the Trump administration that has supported these armed organizations also “silented” the attacks. The Turkish army released a statement on the 8th that it was “ready for operation”.

The Turkish army seems to have gathered troops in the southern part of Turkey, such as Akchakare, which is adjacent to northern Syria. In a statement on the 8th, along with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), an illegal armed organization of Kurdish groups aiming for independence from Turkey, the Kurdish armed organization “People Defense Corps” (YPG) in northern Syria Named “organization” and showed the stance to attack. Turkey sees PKK and YPG as one.

So far, YPG has been at the heart of the sweeping operations of the radical Islamic State (IS) with the support of the United States-led volunteer association. However, the US announced on the 6th that it would not be involved in the Turkish army's YPG cross-border operations plan. US troops stationed in northern Syria also moved from the border with Turkey, giving a de facto “green light”.

In response to this situation, armed organizations centering on YPG released a statement on the morning of the 9th, saying that if the Turkish army attack began soon, blood of thousands of citizens would flow. “I want the countries that fought together by overthrowing the IS to make an effort to avoid this humanitarian disaster.”

The Syrian Assad regime has also resisted the movement of the Turkish army. The Syrian state-run news agency reported a statement by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 9th, "I strongly condemn Turkey's hostility and increased arms in the border zone."

However, the US response is shaking ...

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