The Limited Times

Israeli enemy renews breach of Lebanese airspace and waters

10/11/2019, 11:56:27 AM

BEIRUT, (SANA) -Israeli air force renewed its violation of Lebanese airspace today and carried out overflights south and south


Israeli enemy aircraft renewed their violation of Lebanese airspace today and carried out flights over the areas of the south and the western Bekaa.

The directive directorate of the Lebanese Army Command announced in a statement that “eight Israeli warplanes and reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace and carried out circular flights between Beirut, Naqoura, over the south and above the sea west of Damour and Hasbaya areas in the western Bekaa, reaching all Lebanese areas before returning all south and departing towards occupied lands".

Four Israeli gunboats violated southern Lebanese waters, the statement said.

The Israeli enemy continues its violations of Lebanon's airspace, territorial waters and territorial waters, ignoring all international norms and laws, especially resolution 1701/0.

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