The Limited Times

US presidential candidate on TV: "Then marry a woman - if you find one!"

10/11/2019, 12:35:22 PM

When it comes to gay marriage in the US election campaign, it often gets heated. In a poll, leftist US Senator Elizabeth Warren thrilled the audience with her response to a spectator question.

US presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has demanded more acceptance and rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in a Los Angeles campaign appearance. In the broadcast "Equality Town Hall" of the television channel CNN, the Democrat was also not irritated by the demand of a Texas audience, who confronted them with the conservative world view of many Americans.

"When a voter comes up to you and says, Senator, I'm a traditional one, and my religious beliefs dictate marriage between a man and a woman, what do you answer?" LGBTQ activist Morgan Cox asked the audience. Warren responded quickly: "Well, first of all, I would assume that it is a man who says so, and I would answer: Then marry a woman - if you can find one!" The audience applauded and hooted loudly. A recording of the conversation was shared thousands of times over the internet.

This Elizabeth Warren answer was quite a moment at CNN #EqualityTownHall

- MJ Lee (@mj_lee) October 11, 2019

In the election broadcast, Warren also revised its assessment from 2012 that it was a waste of taxpayers' money to pay transgender prisoners for gender reassignment operations. "I believe that everyone has the right to necessary medical care, and that includes transgender people for whom it is time to have a gender reassignment surgery, and I just think that's important," said the leftist Politician.

Warren becomes more and more popular with party supporters

The fact that Warren could actually become US President next year was long considered unlikely. But nowadays, the Massachusetts senator is increasingly being treated as a secret favorite in the White House race. No candidate has been able to gain as much in the surveys as she has in recent weeks.

Right now, in the party-internal race for the candidacy, the Democrat Joe Biden is still in the lead. He is particularly popular among the moderate party supporters and comes on average of all surveys in the statistics of Real Clear Politics to almost 28 percent. It is followed by the two leftists Warren (26 percent) and Bernie Sanders (15 percent). All other applicants are far behind.

For Warren's rise could be, inter alia, the sudden heart disease of Bernie Sanders an explanation. Sanders is on the road to recovery after an emergency operation. But the 78-year-old senator from Vermont must take a campaign break. Warren is also popular with Sanders' leftist voters. It holds huge rallies with up to 15,000 participants.