The Limited Times

Prince song “Trump's use refusal” Management group statement

10/11/2019, 12:32:27 PM

When President Trump used the representative song "Purple Rain" of Prince (the deceased) who was a popular American musician at an election rally on the 10th, a heritage management group protested. Because the Prince side had used it without permission before…

When President Trump used the representative song "Purple Rain" of Prince (the deceased) who was a popular American musician at an election rally on the 10th, a heritage management group protested. Prince said that Trump had promised that he would not use the song in a future event one year ago because he had used it without permission before. “President Trump will never use Prince's song. "Do not allow".

Mr. Trump plays rock-centered music from the opening to the beginning of the speech at the election meeting. Usually there are many people such as “Y.M.C.A.” of Village People and “Brown Sugar” of Rolling Stones, but “Purple Rain” was played on the 10th.

The gathering was for Prince ...