The Limited Times

Solidarity meeting of the Lebanese national parties and forces with Syria

10/14/2019, 8:14:23 PM

Beirut, (SANA) - A solidarity meeting was held at the Syrian Embassy in Lebanon on Sunday and condemned the Turkish aggression against Ara


A meeting was held at the Syrian Embassy in Lebanon today in solidarity with Syria and a condemnation of the Turkish aggression on its territory with the participation of Lebanese forces, parties and national figures.

Lebanese Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mahmoud Qamati strongly condemned the Turkish aggression against Syria, calling on the UN Security Council to take an urgent decision to impose on the Turkish regime an immediate cessation of its aggression against Syria and withdrawal from all its territory.

Qamati reaffirmed solidarity with Syria and its support in the face of takfiri terrorism.

In turn, a member of the Development and Liberation Bloc in Lebanon MP Hani Kubaisi said in a speech that the Turkish aggression on Syrian territory is rejected and violates all international laws, calling for unifying popular and official Arab positions to face this aggression.

Qubaisi praised Syria's honorable positions alongside the Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian cause, pointing out that what Syria faced during the past years was an attempt to destroy it and discourage it from its consistent positions.

For his part, the head of the Syrian National Social Party in Lebanon Fares Saad said that the Turkish regime since the beginning of the global war on Syria was planning to occupy Syrian territory, pointing out that the only option is to resist this aggression.

For his part, the general coordinator of the meeting of Lebanese parties, forces and national figures, former minister Karim al-Rassi, affirmed that Syria today, as in all its history, is the guarantee of Arabism, steadfastness and steadfastness and resistance for our major issues.

In turn, the former minister and MP Bishara Merhej delivered a speech on behalf of the Lebanese Committees and Popular Associations in which he stressed that the Turkish aggression on the Syrian territories is an aggression against the entire Arab nation, calling for standing with Syria in the face of this brutal aggression.

Merhej said that Syria, which has defeated terrorism and faced a global war, is capable of confronting this aggression with the strength of its leadership and the cohesion of its army and people.

For his part, the General Coordinator of the Islamic Action Front in Lebanon, Sheikh Zuhair Al-Ja'id, condemned the Turkish aggression, stressing that Syria will prevail over any aggression against it, whether from Turkey or others, noting the role of the Syrian resistance in standing by all Arab issues.

For his part, Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdel Karim said that solidarity, support and stand by Syria in the face of Turkish aggression is also a stand by Lebanon and its people and dignity due to the distinguished brotherly relations between the two brotherly countries.

He added that Syria is strong with its leadership, its army and its people and is assured of its present and future. And the custodian of terrorism.

Regarding the Palestinian issue, Abdel Karim stressed that Syria did not and will not bargain on the Palestinian issue and the just and right Arab issues.