The Limited Times

Panamanian deputy defends his innocence before investigation for alleged sexual crimes

10/15/2019, 4:44:30 PM

The Panamanian deputy Arquesio Arias of the bench of the Democratic Revolutionary Party defended his innocence on Monday before an investigation of the Supreme Court of Justice for alleged crimes ...

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(CNN Spanish) - Panamanian deputy Arquesio Arias of the Democratic Revolutionary Party bench defended his innocence on Monday before an investigation by the Supreme Court of Justice for alleged crimes against the freedom and sexual integrity of two sisters, one of them, under age.

As reported by a Supreme Court magistrate investigating the case, the complaint against the deputy was filed with the Public Prosecutor in 2018. The prosecutor, Olmedo Arrocha Osorio, explained that according to the complaint, Arias would have abused women when he was a doctor in the town of Ustupo in the province of Kuna Yala, before being elected.

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However, at a press conference on Monday, Deputy Arias referred to the court investigation and denied any wrongdoing, said he will remain in his position and said he will cooperate with the investigations.

Arias acknowledged that the sisters involved in the complaint were his patients when he worked as a doctor in the community of Ustupo and assured that there was always a “healthy, healthy environment with excellent harmony” in the health center where he attended them.

The deputy said that the case affects his family, his wife and the political party to which he belongs. "The origin of this case is a local political conspiracy and they are using this case to attack my party, my family, my party and the institution I work for."

Arias said he was sure that after the investigations "his name will be cleared."

Judge Arrocha Osorio informed that a charge hearing will be held on Friday, October 18. Arias confirmed that he will attend the hearing.

For his part, the president of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, who also belongs to the Democratic Revolutionary Party, said Monday that he discussed the case with members of the ruling party during the weekend.

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“The issue of due process and the presumption of innocence. But the accusations made to the deputy are very, very serious, ”said the president and added that if it were him, he would be separated from office.

The secretary of the Democratic Revolutionary Party, Pedro Miguel Gonzalez, told CNN that the party is respectful of the rule of law and the principle of presumption of innocence. From the party, they celebrate the hearing convened for Friday in which the deputy "will have the opportunity to defend his innocence." Gonzalez added that they also respect the rights of the victims.

Since a constitutional reform of 2004, deputies to the Legislative Assembly of Panama do not have parliamentary immunity and can be investigated by the Supreme Court of Justice without prior authorization from the assembly.