The Limited Times

Rouhani: Washington's economic terrorism against Iran is a crime against humanity

10/15/2019, 9:47:24 AM

TEHRAN, (SANA) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani affirmed that the US administration through economic terrorism practiced


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stressed that the US administration, through its economic terrorism against the Iranian people and its economic sanctions, is committing a crime against humanity.

Rouhani said in a speech today during the meeting of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean at its sixty-sixth session that the crime of America and its instigators such as the Zionist entity and the Saudi regime against the Iranian people and their livelihood without any justification is a crime against humanity and economic terrorism. The only way is love and friendship.

Rouhani pointed out that Washington's withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran and its disavowal of it without justification due to internal pressures in the White House, the Zionist entity and the Saudi regime constitutes a stigma and a violation of international resolutions, especially as this agreement has been ratified by the UN Security Council.

The president stressed that Iran is moving towards self-sufficiency and that 95 percent of medicines are manufactured at home, noting that after pressure on the people and government in Iran for 18 months, we are witnessing low inflation and high level of positive economic growth. We have created 846 jobs this year compared to last year. This is a source of pride for Iran.

The meeting of health ministers of the 66th Eastern Mediterranean countries kicked off yesterday in the Iranian capital with the participation of delegations from 19 countries, including Syria.