The Limited Times

Trump's opportunity to do the business of his life

10/15/2019, 7:56:30 PM

[OPINION] Frida Ghitis: For years you have told us that you are a teacher to negotiate. Well, it was time to do the business of your life. The time has come to negotiate your resignation.

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Editor's note: Frida Ghitis, ex-producer and correspondent for CNN, is a columnist on international issues. He collaborates frequently for the CNN opinion section, for The Washington Post and is a columnist for the World Politics Review. You can follow her on Twitter at @fridaghitis. The opinions expressed in this comment are those of the author.

(CNN) - Dear President Trump:

For years you have told us that you are a teacher to negotiate. Well, it was time to do the business of your life. The time has come to negotiate your resignation.

We know that you will negotiate firmly, but people are exhausted, and there is a good chance that you can reach a good agreement to end this stage. The number of Americans who support his removal is increasing rapidly. Many would probably welcome their departure. Isn't this the best time to negotiate?

Almost three years after your election, most Americans have not been convinced of its greatness, beyond the frequency with which you mention it. However, perhaps he could still negotiate immunity for all the crimes he may or may not have committed as president, in exchange for his return to private life.

The former president of the Trump organization, Barbara Res, says she thinks you could resign rather than face a possible removal from office. Who would want to end the presidency with forced removal? That would be a total shame; One of your favorite words.

Instead, you could go out on your own terms and return to your first love: real estate.

You could declare that Americans simply don't deserve it, that it was your country's fault. You can blame the so-called State within the State, if you want. Say you don't want to waste your precious time in a process of divisive political judgment; Then blame the Democrats. If you are a really good negotiator, you could sign an immunity agreement that guarantees that you will not be prosecuted. Then he will not recognize anything and will say that he resigned selflessly, to save the country. In that case, history may have a greater predisposition to consider its vision of history.

You have told us that being president costs you a fortune, as much as $ 5,000 million. Experts say their figure is absurd, but what do they know? Have you not lost enough money, time, dignity?

Imagine everything you would earn by leaving office today: and we don't talk only about all the money you say you are losing. Most importantly, think about what would be avoided.

The next few weeks of the political trial investigation will be appalling for you and the nation.

Now it is said that a second informant about his actions towards Ukraine is coming to light. And while you insist that there was no quid pro quo, your own envoys to Ukraine have revealed condemnatory messages that suggest just that: Bill Taylor, the senior US diplomat in Ukraine, wrote to the US ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland: “ I think it's crazy to retain security assistance to get help with a political campaign. ”

And the investigation is just beginning.

Democrats will do everything possible to display the most condemnatory material they can find, and the media will be relentless in their search to get the information you have tried to keep hidden.

Imagine: if that call with the president of Ukraine (the one you now say was "perfect") was enough to trigger an investigation of political judgment, what will happen when less "perfect" details of his presidency are made public? No doubt he will take many of his secrets to the grave, but you can be sure that many others will come to light.

So far you seem to have been immune to humiliation and shame so far, but that could change.

Gradually, the people who have worked for you have started talking. Perhaps most of his loyal supporters will remain silent, but there are early signs of cracks. Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake said that if the vote were private, at least 35 Republican senators would support the process of political trial against you.

But even if Republican officials remain submissive, you have not yet been spared. Imagine how many government employees and private friends of yours know about their misdeeds. Most of the people employed by the Government do not wear MAGA hats, “let's do the US great once again. ”

They have kept their heads down and remained focused on their jobs, even when many were horrified by their thousands of lies, their insults against US allies, their policy of separating families from undocumented immigrants and their defense of neo-Nazis. . They know it could take a generation or more to restore the good name of the United States in the world.

Most people alone are not heroes, but courage is contagious. How many US officials, who have remained silent so far, will finally decide that it has been enough? How many will decide that they don't want to enable a president who has launched a campaign, like yours in Ukraine, to undermine the US intelligence community. and invite a foreign country to interfere in American democracy?

There is a reason why the informant learned from several US officials worried that you would have pressured the president of Ukraine to help weaken Joe Biden's presidential campaign.

What will happen if a more complete transcript of that call to Ukraine is published? After all, the reconstruction of the White House of the 30-minute phone call could reflect only part of the conversation, as Senator Angus King and others have pointed out. And we know that White House officials who locked up the full transcript of Ukraine's call have locked up other conversations. What could Americans find out about their talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman?

This will follow. And he will catch some of his top confidants. People are already talking about whether the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of Justice, William Barr, and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, have committed crimes related to efforts to find the dirty traps of their political opponents (potential offenses that they deny). What would happen if they reached an agreement with Congress before you, for the exchange of information against you in exchange for clemency?

The sooner you leave, the better your chances of displaying your mastery of the art of trading. It will give you the chance to build your narrative, to think a really good story about why you left.

To be honest, many of us, let's say, have failed to impress us with their negotiation skills since he took office as president. It would seem that North Korea is taking away its business (and the US); there is no agreement with Iran, nor with China and no immigration agreement with Congress.

Maybe I can prove that we were wrong; Maybe you are a great negotiator.

You could announce that you have decided to resign for the good of the country. He could pretend that he does not want to see the country divided by a long process of political trial, and he could stop warning about the consequences similar to the civil war if he is removed from office, or call his critics traitors.

This is your chance. It could be the business of your life. If you play the cards well, the first paragraph of your obituary would describe you as the man who negotiated a historic resignation agreement to save the nation, rather than as the president who was subjected to political trial and perhaps sentenced and removed from his position and - it cannot be ruled out - that he then faced punishment.

This is the moment.

(Translation of Mariana Campos)

Political judgment

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