The Limited Times

The pharmaceutical industry in Syria covers 90% of the market and new production lines despite the challenges

10/16/2019, 12:59:24 PM

DAMASCUS, (SANA) - The pharmaceutical industry in Syria has overcome many challenges imposed by the terrorist war and economic measures


The pharmaceutical industry in Syria has overcome many challenges imposed by the terrorist war and unilateral economic measures imposed on the country and secured 90 percent of the need of the local market and continued to develop its varieties and launch new production lines.

The Assistant Minister of Health, Dr. Obeida Kattia, pointed out to the SANA Economic Bulletin that the number of licensed pharmaceutical factories in Syria stands at 96, 92 of which are in service and production. Licensing to marketing to ensure quality control, revealing preparations for the soon-to-enter cancer drug labs.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Hassan, Chairman of Al-Hassan Pharmaceutical Industries, pointed out that preparations are underway to establish a new factory in Adra Industrial City and develop new production lines after his factory was sabotaged by terrorists in Kenitra.

On the other hand, Unipharma Company for Pharmaceutical Industry explained the quality control director Dr. Nidal Al-Husami that the company since its inception in 1994 did not stop working and continued to produce 250 varieties of different caliber, forms and pharmaceutical groups, pointing out that the main difficulties faced by the company was the difficulty of importing raw materials indicating the importance of local production in Provide medicines at reasonable prices and dispense with importation.

In Aleppo, workers at Al-Sa'ad Pharmaceutical Industries Company continued to work and produce despite the terrorist threats they faced. Other generic pharmaceuticals.

Ines Svan
SANA Economic Bulletin

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