The Limited Times

The return of displaced persons from Azraq camp in Jordan continues to return home through Naseeb Center in Daraa

10/16/2019, 12:20:30 PM

Daraa-Sana After years of displacement due to terrorism, a group of displaced people returned home today from Al-Camp


After years of displacement due to terrorism, a group of displaced people returned home from Jordan's Azraq refugee camp through the Nasib border post in Daraa.

SANA correspondent from the center said that the concerned authorities have received the displaced and completed all procedures related to completing personal data and permanent residence addresses to be transported by bus to their areas and cities liberated by the Syrian Arab Army from terrorism.

The head of the Immigration and Passports Center in the center of the share of Colonel Mazen Ghandour told the correspondent that the concerned authorities have provided the necessary services to transport the returnees with their children to the nearest point where they can reach their place of residence, where the facilities for returnees are permanently provided by the center staff. Since the opening of the crossing, 29,549 people have returned.

Anas Salloum, who returned to the construction district of Homs city, said that returning to the homeland constitutes a new chapter in his life, which will be filled with work and perseverance with the people of the country to rebuild what was destroyed by terrorism from human building. After years of displacement in Jordan's Azraq camp. ”

Ibrahim Kharoub, who returned to Jassim in Daraa countryside, welcomed the reception and the facilities that the returnees enjoyed by the center's members and the concerned authorities.

For her part, Al-Zoubi hoped that the Golan would return to the country as it was about nine years ago, which Khodr Al-Zoubi stressed.

Since its opening in October last year after the liberation of the southern region from terrorism, the Jaber “Nassib” border crossing has witnessed a steady return of Syrians displaced by terrorism from the refugee camps in Jordan to their liberated cities and towns in parallel with the efforts of the concerned authorities to restore normal life. to her.

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