The Limited Times

24 members of the security forces injured during protests in Lebanon today

10/18/2019, 7:28:37 PM

Beirut, (SANA) - Twenty-four members of the Internal Security Forces were injured during the protests in Lebanon today. She explained


Twenty-four members of the Internal Security Forces were injured during protests in Lebanon today.

The General Directorate of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces said in a statement that "a number of demonstrators in Riad Solh Square began throwing big firecrackers and solid materials, wounding 17 members of the Internal Security Forces, while seven others were injured in the rest of the regions so far."

The Directorate stressed that it "will not hesitate to prosecute and arrest every breach of security and bring it to justice," demanding that all demonstrations "peaceful" and to stay away from chaos and riots and not to attack public and private property and security elements to maintain public safety.

Lebanese demonstrators continue their protests against the deterioration of living conditions and cabinet decisions to impose new fees, including charges on communications.