The Limited Times

Conduct the first session of the unified medical exam session in October 2019

10/19/2019, 5:31:56 PM

Damascus, (SANA) - The Center for Measurement and Evaluation at the Ministry of Higher Education today held the first session of the medical exam


The Center for Measurement and Evaluation at the Ministry of Higher Education today held the first session of the unified medical exam for October 2019 for students of Syrian public and private universities and non-Syrian universities.

The Director General of the Center, Dr. Maysoon Dashash, explained in a statement to SANA that the number of applicants for the exam reached about 2974 students distributed in 6 exam centers in the universities of Damascus, Aleppo, Tishreen, Hama, Al-Baath and Tartous.

A score of 60% of the total is a prerequisite for success for Syrian university students. The student benefits from the exam assistance by two grades, while non-Syrian university graduates undergo a standardized medical examination in order to equalize their certificates. .

The unified medical examination will be held in two exams, the first of which includes 120 questions on the specialties of ophthalmic surgery and gynecology and obstetrics, while the second session will be held on the 26th of this month.

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