The Limited Times

The masking prohibition law, 60% of Hong Kong citizens are "counter-effect"

10/19/2019, 9:43:37 AM

A public opinion survey by Hong Kong Chongbun University has revealed that over 60% of Hong Kong citizens consider the “inverse effect” of the masking prohibition law prohibiting the act of hiding their faces with masks during demonstrations in Hong Kong. Even after the law was enforced on the 5th, participants hid their faces ...

A public opinion survey by Hong Kong Chongbun University has revealed that over 60% of Hong Kong citizens consider the “inverse effect” of the masking prohibition law prohibiting the act of hiding their faces with masks during demonstrations in Hong Kong. Even after the law went into effect on the 5th, demonstrations in which participants hid their faces were repeated, and the reaction to the law was growing.

In response to the question “whether the law has the effect of suppressing radical protests” in the survey, 62.3% answered “counter-effect” and 21.2% said “no effect”. The total opinion reached 83.5%. “Effective” was 15.1%.

According to a local newspaper / memoir commissioned by the University, the investigator said, “The government has forcibly enacted the law, but it has not actually solved the problem.” The poll was conducted from 8 to 14 days, and responses were received from 751 citizens 15 years and older.

18 days to the protest demonstration held in Hong Kong around at night, participated in a large number of citizens who like wear your face of Xi Jinping (Shichinpin) Jintao of China, it protested to the governments of Hong Kong and China. However, information that police detained participants is not flowing. (Shenzhen = Yuichiro Masumi)