The Limited Times

Attack on Berlin Christmas market: Green want to interview Lutz Bachmann in the U Committee

10/21/2019, 4:01:38 PM

Did Pegida initiator Lutz Bachmann have information from police circles on the assassin of Breitscheidplatz? To find out, the Greens want to summon him to the Amri Committee of Inquiry - others are against it.

It is about a tweet from the year 2016. On 19 December, a few hours after the attempt on the Berlin Breitscheidplatz, Pegida initiator Lutz Bachmann wrote on Twitter, he had an "internal info" from the Berlin police leadership: "perpetrators Tunisian Muslim. " As it turned out, Bachmann was right. Where did the Pegida initiator get his information from?

Internal Info from Berlin police tour:
Offender Tunisian Muslim.
The attorney general takes over, speaks for the authenticity.

- Lutz Bachmann (@lutzbofficial) December 19, 2016

The Greens now want to subpoena Bachmann to the inquiry committee for Breitscheidplatz. The request for his examination as a witness is available to SPIEGEL. "We want to find out how it could be that Mr. Bachmann learned so early, namely on the night of the dead, that the assassin of the Breitscheidplatz is a Tunisian", says Irene Mihalic, spokeswoman for the interior of the Greens.

Other parties are skeptical

Other parties in the Bundestag hold this little. They fear that Bachmann could be offered a stage. Moreover, they do not expect that a statement by Bachmann could contribute to the clarification.

"I think we should not offer this Hetzer a public stage in the German Bundestag," says about the CDU deputy Alexander Throm, who is a member of the Committee of Inquiry. He also could not imagine that the Greens really wanted that.

The SPD also criticizes the Greens project. "This is a completely absurd and inexplicable idea," says Mahmut Özdemir, also a member of the Committee of Inquiry and MP of the SPD. "The object of the committee's investigation is primarily to clarify how the attack could come about, and how subordinate the perpetrator could escape." Bachmann can contribute to both, "says Özdemir.

The other opposition parties, which would have to support the request of the Greens, so that Bachmann can be summoned, show rather restrained. The leaders of the FDP and the Left did not want to comment on the project at first. The AfD did not respond to a corresponding SPIEGEL request.

The Greens defend their motion: "We have shown in earlier interrogations and in other committees of inquiry that we are able to create the right setting for the hearing of more virile witnesses, be it Nazis, Islamists or criminals," says Mihalic , You still have to discuss the right format.

Bachmann's Tweet also irritated the Federal Chancellery

At the end of 2016, the Bachmann Tweet had also caused irritation in the Federal Chancellery. "Could you pursue this?", Wrote a chancellery employee after SPIEGEL information in an e-mail. A few days later, there was an answer: The Federal Interior Ministry could not reconstruct whether Bachmann could know so early that the assassin was Tunisian. The Berlin police had denied that at that time had already been appropriate information. That seemed to tick things off.

Bachmann himself denied a few days after sending the tweet that he had received him from security circles. "Dear press, I admit it, of course I had only my glass ball and no informant! And now please give rest, ok?" He wrote on December 22, three days after the attack, on Twitter.

Dear press, I admit it, of course I only had my glass ball and no informant!
And now please give rest, ok?

- Lutz Bachmann (@lutzbofficial) December 22, 2016

The Greens doubt if that's true. The advantage of a committee of inquiry: As in court, witnesses must tell the truth. If Bachmann were lying, it would be a criminal offense.