The Limited Times

SPD presidency: Böhmermann advertises nomination at party congress

10/21/2019, 3:43:51 PM

Several attempts failed, now Jan Böhmermann wants to grab again after the SPD presidency. In the party leadership one expects the satirist hardly chances.

Jan Böhmermann seeks an unsolicited application for the office of party leader at the SPD party congress. "At the beginning of December, I would like to be nominated and elected by 50 delegates as candidate for the SPD presidency," he wrote in a letter to the SPD members, which he published on Twitter.

Böhmermann had already announced several times that he wanted to resort to the SPD presidency. First, he had unsuccessfully tried to be short-term candidates before the start of the regional conferences of the candidates. But he was not a member of the party at the time.

Open letter to all comrades!

- Jan Böhmermann (@janboehm) 21st October 2019

When he was admitted to the SPD in Saxony-Anhalt at the beginning of October, he announced that he would still be a candidate for the chairmanship over the support of several local associations. This was formally still possible at the time, but failed.

One last option for candidacy is now, according to SPD rules of procedure still an unsolicited application directly at the party congress. This requires the support of 50 delegates from five districts. In the party leadership, the application of the TV satirist is considered less promising.

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In his letter, Böhmermann reminds, among others, of Willy Brandt, who was elected Federal Chancellor 50 years ago. The satirist asks if the SPD is "just a smoky, cramped recycling bin" and announces a series of speeches written by anonymous authors.

At the moment, the SPD is voting for the chair. The result will be published this Saturday. If none of the six candidate duos receives the absolute majority, a casting vote follows. The party congress in December is to confirm the result.