The Limited Times

The Forest Development Authority allocates more than 76,000 hectares to the agricultural plan next season

10/21/2019, 10:52:39 AM

Hama-Sana The General Authority for the management and development of the forest in the province of Hama allocated an area of ​​76289 hectares for cultivation


The General Authority for Forest Management and Development in Hama has allocated an area of ​​76289 hectares to be planted with various types of crops during the next agricultural season in the lands under the supervision of the work of the Commission.

In a statement to SANA correspondent, the Director General of the Authority, Eng. All agricultural production requirements of seeds, fertilizers and irrigation water are available.

For his part, the Director of the Plant Wealth in the Commission Engineer Wafik Zarouf pointed out that the rate of implementation of the agricultural plan in the territory of the jungle varies from one crop to another as it rises in medicinal and aromatic plants, legumes and vegetables and decreases in spring potatoes and some forage crops. Diabetes from the next plan.

Al-Ghab is considered one of the most important agricultural areas and is cultivated with various types of crops, especially the strategic ones.

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