The Limited Times

The Times reveals evidence of Turkish regime forces using internationally prohibited weapons in their aggression against Syria

10/21/2019, 4:40:56 PM

LONDON (AP) - The Times of London has revealed evidence that Turkish forces have used fo


The British Times newspaper today revealed that there is evidence confirming that the Turkish regime's forces use internationally prohibited white phosphorus in its aggression on Syrian territory.

The newspaper monitored through an investigation entitled "Growing evidence of Turkey's use of white phosphorus in Syria" the suffering and pain of victims of internationally prohibited weapons attacks used by the Turkish regime forces.

She said that the serious injuries and burns suffered by civilians as a result of the Turkish aggression appear to have been caused by something much worse than the explosions, which is the best evidence of the use of the Turkish NATO member regime of white phosphorus internationally banned against Syrian civilians.

The paper quoted a doctor who helped to treat the wounded as saying that the burns are deep and the forms and smell exactly correspond to the wounds caused by incendiary chemicals.

The Turkish regime continues its aggression on Syrian territory in a number of cities, villages and towns in the countryside of Al-Hasakah and Raqqa, which resulted in the death and injury of hundreds of civilians, including children, women and workers in the service sectors, and significant material damage in service facilities and important infrastructure such as dams, power plants and water.

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