The Limited Times

A campaign to rehabilitate forest and agricultural lands damaged by fires in Homs countryside

10/29/2019, 10:19:43 AM

Homs-Sana The Haraj Center in Nazareth, in the western countryside of Homs, has launched a campaign to rehabilitate forest and agricultural land


The Forestry Center in Nazareth in the western countryside of Homs has launched a campaign to rehabilitate the forested and agricultural lands damaged by the recent fires and to restore the vegetation.

Head of Talkalakh Forestry Department Eng. Elias Bitar explained that the campaign comes after the fires that have hit the area and caused great damage, especially in the forest area, which was estimated at 262 dunums, including 69 dunums in the lands of Nazareth, noting that he is currently cutting the burned trees and cleaning the land.

Bitar pointed out that the campaign is taking place with the participation of many civil initiatives and will be after the completion of cleaning the land start planting trees of many types Kalgar, pine and chestnut, noting that during the planting of trees will take into account the fire lines within the artificial forest forests.

Hala Ahoush, head of the Valley Office of the Martyr Foundation, pointed out that their participation in the civil initiatives in the campaign comes due to its importance and its contribution to the restoration of vegetation, stressing the continuation of various environmental campaigns in order to preserve the environment in general and vegetation in particular and return it to what it was.

Ahoush explained that the campaign was launched from Nazareth to include later in several reserves where trees will be increased, calling for various activities to contribute to similar activities to increase vegetation.

Saba goodness

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