The Limited Times

Re-opening of the Department of Otolaryngology at the General Authority of Daraa Hospital

10/29/2019, 12:40:44 PM

Daraa-Sana Today, the Department of Otolaryngology at the General Authority of Daraa Hospital was reopened after it was stopped during the year


Today, the Department of Otolaryngology at the General Authority of Daraa Hospital was reopened after being stopped during the past years due to terrorism.

The Director General of the Commission Dr. Bassam Hariri in a statement to SANA correspondent that since the declaration of a shield free of terrorism began work to renovate the sections of the Commission after it was about 60 percent of them out of service, indicating that the Department of Otolaryngology is the fifth section, which was rehabilitated and put into service after the sections of the main laboratory and college The department has a plan to renovate the neurological and ophthalmic sections.

Dr. Hafez Al-Hussein, Head of the Department of Otolaryngology, said that the department includes equipment for hearing planning, hearing impairment and laryngoscopy. Almonds, tempo and drum membrane.

For her part, Dr. Dima Al-Zoubi, Head of Resident Doctors at the Authority, pointed out that the re-opening of the department reduces the burdens and costs for patients, while Eng. Suha Sawan, head of the engineering department, pointed out that the cost of rehabilitation with the medical records department amounted to 10 million pounds and the cadres removed some of the devices from under Rubble, maintenance and service.

Qasim Miqdad

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