The Limited Times

So you can help the victims of the fires in California

10/29/2019, 10:22:43 PM

While families rush to seek shelter, several funds have been established to help evacuees deal with the anticipated damage they will face when they return home and deny ...

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(CNN) - California wildfires have forced hundreds of thousands of people to leave their homes while firefighters fight in historically terrible conditions. While families rush to seek shelter, several funds have been established to help evacuees deal with the anticipated damage they will face when they return to their homes and businesses.

United Way of the Wine Country created the Kincade Fire Emergency Relief and Recovery Fund to help victims both short and long term.

Donations to the Sonoma County Community Foundation Resilience Fund will help pay for a wide range of assistance, from mental health to housing.

The Red Cross has opened multiple shelters while the Salvation Army provides meals, emotional and spiritual support to the evacuees.

To support all the organizations that help, you can click on the button above or click here.

To verify the status of family or friends living near the Kincade fire in Sonoma County, Facebook has set up its Safety Check here. You can also mark your security status if you live in the area. The Red Cross also has a "Safety and Well-being List" to communicate your safety or control your loved ones.

Airbnb is offering temporary and free homes for Kincade fire evacuees through November 7 as part of its Open Homes program that helps disaster victims. If you operate an Airbnb or need a home, you can register here.

California Forest Fires