The Limited Times

Syria: Assad regime and opposition start first direct negotiations

10/29/2019, 4:28:43 PM

Hundreds of thousands were killed in the Syrian war, and Assad's troops now control the most important parts of the country. Observers therefore doubt that the government is ready for political compromise.

After more than eight years of civil war in Syria, the government of dictator Bashar al-Assad and the opposition are now sitting for the first time at a negotiating table. Together with representatives of civil society and with the support of the UN, both sides want to work out a new constitution in Geneva.

The constitutional committee starts with 50 representatives each from government, opposition and civil society. The aim is a referendum on the Constitution, followed by free elections under UN supervision.

The expectations of success are low. All previous Syria talks about an end to violence have left no results. The Syrian government forces have also achieved military success in recent months, bringing the most important parts of the country back under their control. Observers therefore doubt that the government is ready for political compromise.

Russian Defense Minister: YPG withdrawn from northern Syria

According to Russian sources, the Kurdish forces have withdrawn completely from the Turkish border area in northern Syria, as agreed, before a deadline on Tuesday night. "The withdrawal of the armed units from the area on which a security corridor is to be created, was completed early," said Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, according to Russian news agencies.

Turkey started an offensive against the Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) on 9 October, which it sees as a threat because of its close ties to the Kurdish PKK rebels in Turkey. After eight days, Turkey agreed to a ceasefire in negotiations with the US to allow the withdrawal of YPG fighters from the border. Later, Ankara agreed with Russia to extend the ceasefire.

This was on Tuesday at 18 clock local time (16 clock Central European time) from. Despite the ceasefire, there were repeated bloody battles in the border area. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had threatened to resume the offensive if the YPG did not withdraw completely. AFP news reporters observed the withdrawal of the Syrian Kurdish militia from various border sections, but it was unclear whether it was present in other areas.

Activists: First battles between Turkish army and Syrian troops

For the first time since the start of the Turkish military offensive, according to activists, there have been direct battles between the Turkish army and the Syrian government forces. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that Turkish artillery bombardment hit the Syrian troops near the border, after which a firefight had blown up on the outskirts of the village of Assadja.

According to the Observatory, it was the first of such battles since the beginning of the Turkish military operation.