The Limited Times

Time says that Erdogan's regime and its mercenaries are killing civilians and practicing ethnic cleansing in northeastern Syria

10/29/2019, 10:07:43 AM

WASHINGTON - The reports of US spy agencies and intelligence information are being met by Time magazine


Time magazine confirmed that the reports of US spy agencies and intelligence reports that the forces of the Turkish regime and its mercenaries committed during the aggression on Syrian territory crimes including killing civilians and conducting ethnic cleansing in the areas they occupy.

"Four US military and intelligence officials have expressed concerns that these war crimes forces could use weapons sold by the United States to Turkey and are concerned that the worst may not have happened yet," the magazine said.

The information has prompted some US analysts to conclude that the Turkish regime and its mercenaries may be preparing for a major demographic change in the region, and there is growing concern about widespread war crimes and a humanitarian crisis, as well as such situations could speed up the return of the organization. ISIS ”terrorist.

Photos and videos published by the Erdogan mercenaries showed the magnitude of the heinous crimes committed by these mercenaries and their execution of horrific executions of civilians in northeastern Syria.

The British newspaper The Times also revealed the existence of evidence confirming the Turkish regime's use of internationally prohibited white phosphorus in its aggression on Syrian territory.

The Turkish Sita Center for Studies recently revealed in a document that 21 terrorist groups joined the Erdogan mercenaries were receiving the support of the United States, either directly through the Pentagon or the CIA and its operations room in Turkey has now moved to complete Her crimes under Erdogan's leadership in his current aggression on Syrian territory.

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