The Limited Times

Trump considers Chicago more dangerous than Afghanistan .. Mayor calls him a clown

10/29/2019, 12:19:43 PM

Washington - US President Donald Trump has called Chicago the capital of Illinois


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chicago is "more dangerous than Afghanistan" because of the high crime rate in the third-largest city in the United States, President Donald Trump said on Tuesday, while her mayor denounced his statement as a clown.

"This is embarrassing for us as a country," Trump told Reuters at a meeting of the International Association of Police Chiefs. "People all over the world are talking about Chicago. Afghanistan is a safe place by comparison."

Trump sharply criticized Chicago police chief Eddie Johnson, who refused to attend the meeting to express his opposition to the Republican president, who is on his first visit to the pro-Democratic city since he took office in 2017.

The number of murders in Chicago last year was 561, up from 653 in 2017, and the Chicago Tribune reported 433 murders in the city since the beginning of this year.

Chicago Mayor Laurie Lightfoot, a Democrat, responded to Trump with a tweet on Twitter: As human beings or as a hospitable city. ”

Thousands in Chicago took part in a demonstration outside the Trump Tower, where the president was raising about $ 4 million for his campaign for a second term in 2020 and the Republican National Committee.

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