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Boeing: Chef Dennis

10/29/2019, 7:13:49 PM

Boeing chief Dennis Muilenburg has condemned the US Congress against misconduct of his company regarding the misfortune-flying 737 Max. The top manager should attend a hearing this Tuesday at a hearing of the deputy ...

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Hearing in front of US Congress MuehlenburgBoeing boss admits mistakes at Krisenjet 737 Max


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    REUTERS / Lindsey Wasson

    Boeing 737 Max on heap in Washington


    Boeing's crash model: These airlines use the 737 Max

    Boeing chief Dennis Muilenburg has condemned the US Congress against misconduct of his company regarding the misfortune-flying 737 Max. The top manager was scheduled to speak at a hearing this Tuesday at the US Senate Commerce Committee delegation's debacle surrounding the Crisis Jet after two devastating crashes. Exactly one year ago in Indonesia, the first of the accidents happened.

    "We know that we have made mistakes and some things wrong," it says in Muilenburg's previously published by Boeing speech text. The boss of the aircraft manufacturer also asserted that great progress and decisive improvements had been made so that Boeing's best-selling model series could soon take off again. "When the 737 Max is put back into service, it will be one of the safest aircraft ever to be flown."

    Also read: Boeing: failure of leadership

    In the first crash of a Boeing 737 Max on October 29, 2018 in Jakarta all 189 inmates were killed. Only a few months later there was another disaster in Ethiopia with 157 dead. The main cause so far is a faulty control software from Boeing. The crashes have brought the group into a deep crisis. The flight bans for the 737 Max meanwhile burden not only Boeing's balance considerably. Because of the affected suppliers and airlines, they are also a burden on the US economy as a whole.

    la / dpa

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