The Limited Times

Universities: Number of graduates drops for the first time since 2001

10/29/2019, 9:40:49 AM

The number of students at German universities is at a record high - but for the first time since 2001 this is not reflected in the number of degrees. Only at higher academic grades is there a slight plus.

It is only a small decline, but it contradicts the number of students: In the 2018 year of examination, around 499,000 students successfully completed their studies. For the first time since 2001, the number of graduates has fallen again - by one percent compared to the previous year (502,000). This was announced by the Federal Statistical Office on Tuesday.

By contrast, the number of students has been rising for years. Last winter, over 2.8 million people were enrolled at Germany's universities. For comparison, in 1996 the Federal Office counted only about 1.8 million students in Germany, in 2006 it was just under two million.

However, the number of dropouts is also high: Almost every third student leaves university without a degree, as evidenced by the last graduate survey of the German Center for Higher Education and Science Research (DZHW).

Every second graduate holds a bachelor's degree

Most graduates have a bachelor's degree in 2018. Every second exam (247,200) led to this first academic degree. Compared to the previous year, the number dropped slightly by two percent.

There was also a decline of two percent in the promotions (to 27,900).

By contrast, the number of Master's Degrees (141,000) and the Teacher's Examinations (45,500) increased by three percent compared to the year of examination 2017, respectively.

In the traditional degrees, such as state examination, master's degree and diploma , 30,000 students graduated from universities (minus seven percent) and 7200 graduates from colleges and universities (minus twelve percent).

Law, economics and social sciences are ahead

  • With 40 percent of the degrees, there are most graduates in law, economics and social sciences .
  • Just over every fourth degree (26 percent) is achieved in engineering .
  • Eleven percent of university degrees are mathematics and science.
  • Ten percent are acquired in the humanities .
  • In the subject group Human Medicine / Health Sciences , six percent of the graduates achieved a degree.
  • The remaining seven percent of the degrees were in the other subject groups Sports, Agriculture, Forestry and Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine and Art, Art History .

The numbers for the fields correspond to those from the previous year.