The Limited Times

Distribution of 8200 food baskets and similar flour for the people in Inkhel city in Daraa

10/30/2019, 9:19:44 AM

Daraa-Sana The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) branch in Daraa delivered a food aid convoy of 12 trucks to distribute


The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) branch in Daraa has delivered a 12-truck food convoy for distribution in Inkhil city of Daraa northern countryside.

The head of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent branch, Dr. Ahmad Al-Masalmeh, told SANA today that the convoy is carrying 8200 food parcels and similar flour to be distributed to the people in Inkhil city. Basic for parents.

On Thursday, the Red Crescent branch delivered 7,050 food parcels and similar flour to villagers in the villages and towns of Samlin, Zimreen, Jiddiya, Deir al-Adas, Kafrnasaj, Aqraba, Al-Mal and Al-Taha.