The Limited Times

Ex-FDP Interior Minister Baum zu Thüringen: "Ramelow is not the representative of an extremist party"

10/30/2019, 5:01:44 PM

First the country, then the party: The former liberal Federal Interior Minister Gerhart Baum appeals in the SPIEGEL to Thuringia's FDP to be open for an interview with Left-Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow.

Former Federal Interior Minister Gerhart Baum has called on the FDP in Thuringia to play a constructive role after moving into the state parliament. "I would like to say that the FDP on the ground is open to a discussion with Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow, especially since it has not reached its election goal to form a coalition with the CDU," the FDP politician told SPIEGEL.

The state of Thuringia, according to Baum, must be able to govern. "Party interests are therefore behind national interests," said the Old Liberal with a view to the FDP.

Baum holds a meeting with Left Prime Minister Ramelow for an option from the FDP: "Ramelow is not the representative of an extremist party," said Baum.

Photo: Wolfgang Borrs / NDR / dpa

FDP politician Gerhart Baum: "Party interests behind national interests"

The 87-year-old tree, in the social liberal coalition FDP Federal Interior Minister, intervenes with utterances in the inner-party discourse of the party - not always to the delight of the younger FDP generation. Thus, the Thuringian FDP leader and top candidate Thomas L. Kemmerich had criticized before the election tree because of his leftist views.

In Thuringia after the election last Sunday beyond the AfD a government majority is only possible if CDU or FDP make common cause with the left of Prime Minister and election winner Bodo Ramelow. Because both refuse, there could be a minority executive government. The previous red-red-green coalition has no more majority, the FDP is extremely close confiscated in the state legislature.

Kemmerich had refused as FDP Bundeschef Christian Lindner on Monday, a toleration or cooperation to support the red-red-green coalition. In the election campaign, the FDP had advertised with the slogan to end this coalition.

Kemmerich responded to Baum's proposal to Baum on Wednesday, but without explicitly mentioning its name: "When the Diet is constituted and the leader of the Left meets me, we liberals will speak about parliamentary initiatives."


FDP politician Kemmerich, Lindner: "It's not up to me to invite to talks"

"That's why I do not need to be accused of not fulfilling my political responsibilities," he said. Negotiations in the state parliament meant a strengthening of the democracy, because decisions would be shifted no longer in the coalition committee, but in the ranks of the deputies.

For the FDP, he referred to as the most important legislative initiatives in the areas of classroom failure in schools, reducing bureaucracy, improving infrastructure, expanding the broadband network and strengthening the police presence in public spaces.

For a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Left - as Baum considers desirable - Kemmerich said: "By the way, it is not up to me to invite to talks with Mr. Ramelow." A formal cooperation with the left, he refused again. "I'm not going to look like I'm going to talk about toleration or any softer version of working with Red-Red-Green."

Such discussions, so Thuringian FDP boss, "we can save ourselves."

State election Thuringia 2019

Preliminary final result

Second vote result

Shares in percent




The left


















allocation of seats

Total: 90

Majority: 46 seats







The Left (29)

SPD (8)

Green (5)

FDP (5)

CDU (21)

AfD (22)

Source: Provincial Returning Officer

Results in detail

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How do the results become representative?

The answer of each participant is weighted so that the result of a survey is representative of the population. For the Sunday question and the government monitor, this population comprises the population entitled to vote in Germany. The weighting is done fully automatically on the basis of the personal details at the registration as well as the history of earlier answers of a user. More methodological details can be found in the Civey whitepaper.

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Opinion polls are usually conducted by phone or online. The significance of the results depends on how many people can be reached and how many actually participate in a survey when they are approached. Internet connections and landline connections are currently about equally widespread in Germany - with about 90 percent of households, mobile phones even 95 percent. The willingness to participate in all methods in the single-digit percentage range, especially experts estimate it for telephone surveys.
Thus, in both methods there is a group of people that can not be reached because they either have no connection to the respective network or do not want to participate in the survey. Therefore, a significant number of people must always be approached for a meaningful result. Civey surveys are currently in addition to SPIEGEL ONLINE in more than 20,000 other websites involved, including various media. This ensures that as many populations as possible can be reached.

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Until the result of a survey becomes representative, enough different people have to participate. Whether this is already successful, makes Civey transparent, in that for each survey result a statistical error probability is specified. The number of participants and the interview time are also published for each survey.

What does it mean when the colored areas in the graphics overlap?

In our graphs, the statistical error is shown as a colored interval. This interval shows the uncertainty associated with a poll score. For example, on the Sunday question, one can not say exactly how many percent a party would get in a poll, but specify an interval where the outcome is likely to be. If the intervals of two survey values ​​overlap, then strictly speaking no statements about the difference can be made. For the Sunday question this means: If the poll numbers of two parties are so close together that overlap their error intervals, it can not be derived from which would currently perform better in the election.

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The personal data of the users are stored encrypted on German servers and remain secret. Civey employees use only user IDs for reporting and can not associate users with their votes. The main purpose of the users' personal information is to weigh the answers and to ensure that the surveys are not manipulated. To prevent this, Civey uses both statistical and technical methods. In addition, Civey works with external partners who create audiences. Only when users have accepted the privacy policy of both Civey and an external partner, may your responses be used by the Partner to model those audiences. However, a partner does not receive information about your political and religious attitudes as well as those with which you can be identified. Civey users are also not ads based on their answers. You may object to the distribution to partners at any time here as a logged in user. More information about privacy at Civey can be found here.

Who is behind Civey surveys?

At this point, readers in the app and on the mobile / stationary website have the opportunity to participate in a representative Civey survey. Civey is an online opinion research institute based in Berlin. To compile its representative surveys, the software of the company, founded in 2015, merges websites into a nationwide survey network. In addition to SPIEGEL ONLINE include, among other things, the "Tagesspiegel", "World", "Wirtschaftswoche" and "Rheinische Post". Civey was funded by the ProFit funding program of Investitionsbank Berlin and the European Regional Development Fund.