The Limited Times

Israeli enemy renews breach of Lebanese airspace and waters

10/31/2019, 9:40:44 AM

BEIRUT, (SANA) - Israeli enemy warplanes and gunboats renewed violations of Lebanese airspace and territorial waters. He announced


Israeli enemy warplanes and gunboats renewed violations of Lebanese airspace and territorial waters.

The directive directorate of the Lebanese Army Command announced in a statement issued today that eight hostile warplanes violated Lebanese airspace and carried out a circular flight over the areas of Beirut and its suburbs Baabda, Aley Jbeil, Kesrouan and Metn to reach various Lebanese areas and then all left the airspace towards the occupied territories.

The statement pointed out that six hostile warships violated Lebanese territorial waters opposite the head of Naqoura.

The Israeli enemy forces continue to violate Lebanon's airspace, territory and territorial waters, violating all international norms and laws.

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