The Limited Times

The occupation seizes 409 dunums of Palestinian land south of Jenin

10/31/2019, 3:52:44 PM

Occupied Jerusalem - SANA - Israeli Occupation Authorities today seized 409 dunums of Palestinian land south of Gaza

Occupied Jerusalem-Sana

The Israeli Occupation Authorities today seized 409 dunums of Palestinian land southwest of Jenin in the West Bank.

Wafa news agency quoted the mayor of Ya'bad Sa'id Zaid as saying that the Israeli authorities seized 409 dunums of Palestinian land in the towns of Ya'bad, Barta'a, Tora, Qufin, Al-Arqah, Zebda, Nazlet Zaid and Zahir al-Abed in Jenin in order to expand the apartheid wall.

In the context of its Judaic and aggressive plans for the displacement of Palestinians, the Israeli occupation authorities are stepping up settlement operations in the West Bank, where they seized earlier today three thousand dunums of Palestinian land east of Yatta south of Hebron, ignoring international resolutions confirming the illegality of settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories and demanding its cessation.

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