The Limited Times

Erdogan forces and mercenaries loot electricity transformers in several villages .. And killed a number of them while booby-trapped car in the village of Ahras rural Ras al-Ain

11/5/2019, 9:10:54 PM

Al-Hasakah-SANA A number of Turkish occupation forces and mercenaries from terrorist groups were killed while booby-trapped in a countryside car


A number of Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries from terrorist groups were killed while booby-trapped in a car in Ras al-Ain countryside, north of Al-Hasakah province, while these forces and their mercenaries continued their criminal practices against the people and their properties in the occupied areas to prevent the displaced from returning.

SANA correspondent in al-Hasakah said that a car bomb exploded during the booby-trapped by the Turkish occupation forces and his mercenaries in the village of Ahras in Ras al-Ain countryside, killing a number of them and injuring others and causing material damage in the houses and their property.

The reporter quoted private sources that the Turkish occupation forces and his mercenaries continued their criminal practices against the residents and robbery on public property.Today, they stole electricity transformers from the villages of Shallah and Al-Amerit in the countryside of Ras Al-Ain, north of Al-Hasakah, in parallel with preventing the residents from returning to their homes.

Since the aggression on the Syrian territory on the ninth of last month, the forces of the Turkish regime and its mercenaries of terrorists have carried out criminal operations against the people in the border areas and destroyed the infrastructure and service facilities in Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad, which led to a large displacement of civilians towards the cities of al-Hasakah and al-Qamishli.