The Limited Times

5 things you should know this November 7: El Chapo, scandal in Colombia and obesity in only children

11/7/2019, 11:26:12 AM

This is what you need to know to start the day: the documentary "El Chapo: two faces of a bonnet" premieres tonight at 8:00 pm, Miami time. A study shows that only children are more…

The documentary "El Chapo: two faces of a bonnet" premieres tonight at 8:00 pm, Miami time. A study shows that only children are more prone to obesity. And Facebook reveals a new security flaw. This is what you should know to start the day. First the truth.

1. The Colombian Minister of Defense resigns

The Colombian Defense Minister, Guillermo Botero, presented his resignation on Wednesday, following a series of accusations for lack of transparency in reporting information on deaths in bombings in which eight minors died. On Tuesday, Botero faced his second debate on the motion of censure at the Colombian Congress in 15 months at the head of the Ministry of Defense. Senator Roy Barreras, who called the debate, made a revelation considered scandalous: at least seven minors (the prosecution later said they were eight), between the ages of 12 and 17, were killed in an Army bombing against criminal organizations . The events occurred in August in the department of Caquetá, in the southwest of the country. But it was not the only controversy in which Botero was criticized.

2. El Chapo: behind his power and fall

Joaquín Guzmán Loera had it all: power, fame, money, impunity ... Until the most precious, his freedom finally collapsed when he was sentenced to life imprisonment in the United States. The documentary “El Chapo: two faces of a capo”, which premieres tonight at 8:00 pm (Miami time), reveals details of his life, his leaks and captures and a thorough investigation into one of the most resounding trials in the US The production includes part of the evidence of the judicial process, such as letters and recordings, as well as testimonies from associates and close people and a deep journalistic investigation.

3. LeBarón Family: what is Mormonism like?

Three women and six children of this family were massacred in northern Mexico last Monday. They were part of a Mormon community of approximately 3,000 members living in that country. The LeBars practice a fundamentalist version and one of the victims' family members told CNN that some practice polygamy. Mormons consider themselves Christians. They follow the teachings found in the Christian "Bible", "The Book of Mormon", "Doctrine and Covenants" and "Pearl of great price." They also practice a strict health code that prohibits the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, tea and coffee. Tithing is encouraged, that is, they donate 10% of their profits to the church.

4. Unique children, more prone to obesity

New research ensures that people who are only children are more likely to be obese. The study examined the eating habits and body weight of single children and found that their eating habits were less healthy than those of families with several children. Other studies have found that not having siblings or being the last child to be born is also related to obesity, possibly due to the way parents behaved during meals: less pleas, more association with food as a reward and more control Negative about food choices.

5. Another security flaw on Facebook

The social network confirmed that at least 100 application developers could have accessed private user data for months through the group function. From that figure it was confirmed that 11 had access in the last 60 days to data such as name and profile picture, but Facebook refused to tell CNN how many people could be affected. In its statement, the company said "there is no evidence of abuse."

At coffee time

Beware of prices in duty-free areas: they can charge you more

A TPG study found that the cost of the same product varies widely in different duty-free areas around the world, even within the same airport. Therefore, before opening your wallet, experts recommend investigating a little about the price of the product that, remember, is exempt from taxes.

How to know if you are a good candidate for plastic surgery?

Before undergoing such a procedure, specialists advise to take into account the state of health, ask the reason for this process and have adequate expectations about the result.

A student drives more than 300 km just to buy these popular donuts

Every weekend Jayson Gonzalez, a Minnesota university student, drives hundreds of miles to go by Krispy Kreme donuts and resell them at home.

The day's figure

20 years

The time it took scientists to identify a new strain of human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, that causes AIDS. The researchers used genome sequencing technology to thoroughly examine the virus sample and determine its subtype.

The date of the day

"It didn't even cross my mind that I could be expelled from Fortnite for life"

Fortnite professional player FaZe Jarvis was permanently kicked off the platform, after the creative company, Epic Games, discovered that he had been using a cheating method.

And to finish

A teenage girl invented a system to avoid blind spot in cars

At 14, Alaina Gassler managed to develop a system so that the blind spot is not a problem for drivers. His tools were just a 3D printer, a camera and projector. For his creativity he won a prize of US $ 25,000.

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