The Limited Times

Attack on Berlin Christmas market: U-committee wants to invite Lutz Bachmann as a witness

11/7/2019, 3:16:55 PM

The Greens and the AfD have voted to interview Pegida initiator Lutz Bachmann in the investigative committee to stop at Berlin's Breitscheidplatz. It should be clarified whether he got leaked internals from the Berlin police.

The Committee of Inquiry in the Bundestag to stop at the Berlin Breitscheidplatz wants to invite the Pegida initiator Lutz Bachmann as a witness. A request from the Greens was approved by the AfD - all other factions abstained.

It's about a tweet from the evening of 19 December 2016, the Bachmann dropped off a few hours after the attack. At that time, Bachmann wrote that he had an "internal info" from the Berlin police leadership: "Victims Tunisian Muslim." As it turned out, Bachmann was right. Where did Bachmann get his information from?

Internal Info from Berlin police tour:
Offender Tunisian Muslim.
The attorney general takes over, speaks for the authenticity.

- Lutz Bachmann (@lutzbofficial) December 19, 2016

The Greens want to find out. They want to know how Bachmann learned at this early time that the assassin was Tunisian. The other parties still see the summons as skeptical. "We see the danger that Bachmann uses the session for his racist speeches, but in the matter itself he will not give an honest answer," said the leader of the left-wing group in the committee, Martina Renner, the editorial network Germany.

"I think it is completely absurd and stupid in the matter what the Greens are doing there," said the SPD member and deputy chairman of the committee of inquiry, Mahmut Özdemir, the SPIEGEL. "The Greens just have to look around whose company they are in to get this request for evidence," he said. Thus Ozdemir hinted that the AfD agreed to the motion of the Greens as the only other faction.

Greens fight back

The Greens defend themselves against the accusation. He was "absurd," said the Green Leader Irene Mihalic the SPIEGEL. "You can not privilege right-wing extremists and save them unpleasant summons," she said. Bachmann stands as a witness under the duty of truth.

At the end of 2016, Bachmann's tweet also caused irritation in the Federal Chancellery. "Could you pursue this?", Wrote a chancellery employee after SPIEGEL information in an e-mail. A few days later there was an answer: The Federal Ministry of the Interior could not reconstruct whether Bachmann could ever know so early that the assassin was Tunisian. The Berlin police had denied that at that time had already been appropriate information. That seemed to tick things off.

Bachmann himself denied a few days after sending the tweet that he had received information from security circles. "Dear press, I admit it, of course I had only my glass ball and no informant! And now please give rest, okay?", He wrote on December 22, three days after the attack, on Twitter.

Dear press, I admit it, of course I only had my glass ball and no informant!
And now please give rest, ok?

- Lutz Bachmann (@lutzbofficial) December 22, 2016

As the "Saxon newspaper" continues to report, Bachmann's hearing should take place as soon as possible. However, because of many other witnesses invited currently only in early 2020 to expect his appearance.