The Limited Times

Chilean Prosecutor investigates 14 police officers for the crime of “torture” against two people

11/7/2019, 7:34:49 PM

The Chilean Prosecutor's Office announced that it formalized an investigation to 14 police officers for the crime of “torture” against two people, one of them being a minor.

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(CNN Spanish) - The Chilean Prosecutor's Office announced that it formalized an investigation to 14 police officers for the crime of “torture” against two people, one of them being a minor.

One of the incidents under investigation occurred in Plaza Ñuñoa de Santiago and was broadcast live on local television stations. "You can see how a group of 12 Special Forces officials added, after arresting a person who was demonstrating, and hit him a series of blows," said the Metropolitan East regional prosecutor, Manuel Guerra.

The other carabineros are being investigated for an event that occurred in the La Florida commune, southeast of Santiago. "A minor, 16, who had been arrested for a curfew violation, was brutally beaten, repeatedly by two police officers," Guerra said.

The prosecutor reaffirmed his commitment to investigate any crime committed by state officials.

At least 20 people have died and hundreds were injured during protests that demand changes in the Government of Sebastián Piñera.

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