The Limited Times

Lebanon demands the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Shebaa Farms and Kfarshuba hills

11/7/2019, 7:52:55 PM

Beirut, (SANA) - Lebanon renewed its call for the withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from the Shebaa Farms, Kfarshuba Hills and Balad


Lebanon today renewed its demand for the withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from the Shebaa Farms, Kfarshuba Hills and the occupied town of Ghajar, calling on the international community to work to restore Lebanon's maritime rights.

During a meeting in Ras Naqoura with the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), a delegation of army officers condemned the Israeli air, land and sea violations of Lebanese sovereignty and its repeated violations of resolution 1701 and reiterated Lebanon's commitment to resolution 1701.

The Israeli enemy continues its violations of Lebanon's airspace, territory and territorial waters, in disregard of all international norms and laws, in particular resolution 1701.