The Limited Times

Preacher: Iran does not seek to violate the nuclear agreement

11/7/2019, 3:44:01 PM

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran is not building its programs on breach of the deal, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's office said on Tuesday


TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran is not building its programs on breaches of the nuclear deal, the head of Iran's president's office said on Tuesday.

"Both China and Russia have expressed solidarity with Iran following the announcement of the implementation of the fourth step of the commitments made in the nuclear agreement, which began by pumping gas to 1,044 centrifuges at the Fordow nuclear facility," Vaizi said in a statement. Unilaterally, the other parties ignore their promises. ”

He explained that "Iran is ready, as clearly stated earlier to reverse its steps, provided that the group of five plus one countries to return to what it pledged during 2017."

Iran's Atomic Energy Organization spokesman Behrooz Kamalundi said Iran had produced 25 tons of UF6 gas from previous nuclear waste.

“Over the next six years, we are able to meet the needs of Fordow with nuclear waste products,” Kamalundi said.

Kamalundi considered that the meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today is a preliminary meeting to be held tomorrow in Vienna to discuss some issues, including ways to implement the Safeguards Agreement on Iran, noting that he would explain the position of his country during the meeting.

The Iranian Atomic Energy Organization announced yesterday that Iran has begun enriching uranium at the Fordow facility in implementation of the fourth step to reduce its nuclear obligations, in accordance with the nuclear agreement and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency.