The Limited Times

Tehran: Israeli occupation of Palestine is the main reason behind the spread of terrorism

11/7/2019, 12:46:49 PM

Tashkent, SANA - Head of the International Cooperation Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism in the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Hossein Mill,


Head of the International Cooperation Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism in the Iranian Foreign Ministry Hussein Malaki said that the Zionist occupation of Palestine is the main reason behind all the problems of the region, including the spread of terrorism.

In his speech at the Seventh Conference on Terrorism at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, held in Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan, Maliki stressed the determination of the Iranian government and people to eradicate terrorism and root out it once and for all in the region.

On the other hand, Maliki considered that the unjust US ban measures against the Iranian people are an example of economic terrorism, pointing to Iran's role in cooperating with the countries of the region to defeat terrorist organizations, including IS.

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