The Limited Times

"NYT": Trump employee reports "resistance" against US president

11/8/2019, 9:58:49 AM

Part of the US government is actively working against Donald Trump, according to a senior White House official in The New York Times. The president criticizes the "cowardly" contribution.

The "New York Times" has published a guest post in an unusual step that, according to the newspaper, was written by a high-ranking US government employee. Thus, there is active resistance within the government against President Donald Trump. "The root of the problem is the amorality of the president," it says in the guest article. "The dilemma - which he does not fully understand - is that many high-level employees in his own government are constantly working from the inside out to prevent parts of his program and his worst inclinations, I should know, I'm one of them."

The New York Times reported that she knew the name of the author. His anonymity will be respected at his request because his job would otherwise be in danger. "We believe that the anonymous publication of this essay is the only way to give our readers an important perspective," the newspaper said. The article is entitled "I am part of the resistance within the Trump government".

In opinion

In an anonymous Op-Ed, a senior trump administration official said he and others are "working to frustrate the president's" misguided impulses. "Https://

- The New York Times (@nytimes) September 5, 2018

The author writes that members of the resistance movement wanted the government to succeed, "and they think that many of their actions have made America safer and more prosperous." But you feel obliged to the country first of all. And the president is acting in a way that is a pity for the good of the republic.

Therefore, many people appointed by Trump have promised to do their best to "preserve the democratic institutions and thwart Trump's most misguided impulses until he is no longer in office."

Trump's leadership style is described as impulsive, hostile, narrow-minded and ineffective. There are bright spots in government work. They would come off despite Trump - and not thanks to him.

The Failing New York Times!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 5 September 2018

Trump rejected the guest contribution as "anonymous, that is cowardly". The newspaper - and other media outlets such as the CNN broadcaster - would soon have to cease their business, Trump said in a video of his well-disposed station Fox News, which he spread on his Twitter account. "You do not like Donald Trump, and I do not like her." Later, Trump relented and hinted that the "senior government employee" did not exist. If so, the newspaper would have to hand it over to the government for national security reasons.

His spokeswoman Sarah Sanders called the post "pathetic, irresponsible and selfish" and called on the "New York Times" to apologize. The author deceived the elected president instead of supporting him, Sanders said. "This coward should do the right thing and resign."

more on the subject

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The new book by US reporter Bob Woodward also states that Trump's own employees would work against him. For example, Woodward describes how high-ranking employees remove documents from Trump's desk so the president can not sign them. For example, a termination of the trade agreement with South Korea was prevented.

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The relationship between Trump and The New York Times has long been considered extremely difficult. The US President criticizes the reporting regularly, most recently his verbal attacks against the newspaper and media in general had increased again. The newspaper in turn defends itself against the attacks. Publisher AG Sulzberger, for example, condemned Trump's "deeply disturbing anti-press rhetoric".