The Limited Times

Araghchi: The interests of the Iranian people are more important than maintaining an agreement with other countries

11/8/2019, 2:52:55 PM

MOSCOW, (SANA) -Assistant Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araghchi reiterated his country's determination to continue reducing the commitment


Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araghchi reiterated his country's determination to continue reducing its commitments to the nuclear deal if it does not benefit the Iranian people.

Araghchi said in a statement in Moscow today on the sidelines of the Fifth International Conference on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and reported by the Iranian news agency (IRNA) that "Iran has shown transparent the will to fulfill its obligations under the nuclear deal by or reduce its obligations if other countries do not fulfill their obligations under the agreement on the other hand".

He added that no one can question Iran's good intentions in maintaining the agreement, pointing out that his country has given ample opportunity for diplomacy, and if circumstances do not change, it will continue the path of reducing commitments, stressing that "the interests of the Iranian people are more important than maintaining an agreement with other countries."

The Iranian Atomic Energy Organization announced yesterday that Iran has begun enriching uranium at the nuclear plant in Fordow in implementation of the fourth step to reduce its nuclear obligations, in accordance with the nuclear agreement and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

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