The Limited Times

Brazil and Colombia modify vote on embargo against Cuba

11/8/2019, 6:10:49 AM

“Mr. President, the US government He intends to exercise imperialist domination in our America, invokes again the old and aggressive Monroe doctrine and the diplomacy of the gunboats ...

“Mr. President, the US government It aims to exercise imperialist domination in our America, invokes again the old and aggressive Monroe doctrine and the diplomacy of the gunboats, redeploys its fourth fleet and increases its presence and the power of its military bases in the region, ”said Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez before The UN General Assembly that once again, as it has done for 28 consecutive years, passed a resolution that condemns the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States. against Cuba for more than six decades. This time, Brazil and Colombia stood out for changing their traditional vote of support for the resolution.