The Limited Times

Deputy Speaker of the Bulgarian Parliament: Syria has the right to defend its sovereignty

11/8/2019, 2:52:49 PM

Sofia-SANA, (SANA) -Vice President of the Bulgarian-Syrian Parliamentary Friendship Group, Veselin, has confirmed the Bulgarian deputy speaker


The Deputy Speaker of the Bulgarian Parliament and the President of the Bulgarian-Syrian Parliamentary Friendship Group, Veselin Marishki, affirmed Syria's right to defend its sovereignty against any external aggression and to ensure security and stability throughout its territory and safeguard a free and dignified life for all its people.

Marishki, who is also the leader of the Irada Party, stressed the right of the Syrian people to determine the future of their country without interference from any external party.

In turn, the parliamentarians affirmed the members of the friendship group stand with the Syrian people in what is being exposed to them by the crisis and expressed their accurate understanding of the reality of what is happening in Syria and attempts to destroy it as a state. Parliamentary among the legislators of the two countries.

The meeting also touched on the historical relations between the two countries and the friendly peoples of Syria and Bulgaria and discussed ways of developing and strengthening these relations to upgrade them to better levels.

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