The Limited Times

The DPRK: The window of opportunity to negotiate with Washington is about to close

11/8/2019, 8:22:55 PM

MOSCOW - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said the window of opportunity to negotiate with the United States was about to close


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) announced that the window of opportunity for negotiations with the United States is about to close, noting that it is waiting for a response from Washington until the end of this year.

"For our part, we are doing everything we can to move forward. However, we cannot work on a unilateral system," DPRK Foreign Minister Cho Chul-soo was quoted as saying at the nuclear non-proliferation conference in Moscow. Unilateralism, we must see a corresponding reaction from the United States. ”

"We have given the United States a lot of time and are waiting for answers by the end of this year from Washington," Su said. "We hope that everything develops in a positive way, but it must be noted that the window of opportunity is narrowing with each passing day."

The United States imposes unfair and unilateral economic measures on Pyongyang as part of a policy of threats and pressure exerted by Washington against countries that refuse to follow suit.

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