The Limited Times

Palestinian National Council: Occupation deliberately escalation through assassinations

11/12/2019, 8:49:58 PM

Occupied Jerusalem - The Palestinian National Council called on the international community to provide protection for the Palestinian people

Occupied Jerusalem - SANA

The Palestinian National Council called on the international community to provide protection for the Palestinian people from the crimes and aggression of the Israeli occupation, especially on the besieged Gaza Strip.

President of the Council, Salim al-Zaanoun, condemned the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip since dawn today, which killed 11 martyrs and dozens of wounded, including the leader Bahaa Abu al-Atta and his wife, in addition to wounding others and causing great damage to Palestinian homes and property.

Al-Zaanoun stressed that the Israeli government deliberately escalates and exaggerates the Palestinian blood through a policy of cowardly assassinations and shelling of residential buildings in an attempt to undermine the Palestinians' will to end the state of Palestinian division and restore national unity within the PLO framework, stressing the right of the Palestinian people to defend themselves and gain their rights by all means. Legitimate.