The Limited Times

Rouhani: The presence of US forces in Afghanistan has exacerbated Afghanistan's problems

11/19/2019, 2:07:56 PM

TEHRAN - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the presence of military bases and US forces in Afghanistan is still in force


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the presence of military bases and US forces in Afghanistan has exacerbated the country's problems.

"Everyone should work together for peace, tranquility and stability on regional issues and relations," Rowhani said during a meeting with Pakistan's army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa.

The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 with its NATO allies on the pretext of fighting al-Qaeda, causing chaos and tens of thousands of civilian casualties.

Rowhani stressed the importance of expanding bilateral relations between Iran and Pakistan in various fields, pointing in this regard to the extension of the (pipeline of peace) Iranian gas to the Pakistani border.

For his part, the commander of the Pakistani army said that no country can affect relations between Iran and Pakistan, noting that his country will use all capabilities and different methods to develop the level of trade and economic cooperation.

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