The Limited Times

[11.20. PolyU] Parents stay outside the school and look forward to the police arrangement to enter the school with her daughter to leave safely

11/20/2019, 7:29:03 PM

There are still many demonstrators staying in the Polytechnic University, and many parents have yet to see their children. Today, PolyU's Surgery Museum continues to have parents waiting. When the police met the media at the basketball court in the afternoon, many parents were very nervous and hoped to get close to the police line. The father, Amin (a pseudonym), who was waiting for the news for the second consecutive day, hoped that he could be accompanied by the police and went to PolyU to visit his daughter. He quoted his daughter as saying that he was afraid to leave the police because he did not trust the police. How, most hope that my daughter is healthy and can safely leave PolyU.


Written by: Yu Ruijing

2019-11-20 23:30

Last updated: 2019-11-21 00:52

There are still many demonstrators staying in the Polytechnic University, and many parents have yet to see their children. Today, PolyU's Surgery Museum continues to have parents waiting. When the police met the media at the basketball court in the afternoon, many parents were very nervous and hoped to get close to the police line. The father, Amin (a pseudonym), who was waiting for the news for the second consecutive day, hoped that he could be accompanied by the police and went to PolyU to visit his daughter. He quoted his daughter as saying that he was afraid to leave the police because he did not trust the police. How, most hope that my daughter is healthy and can safely leave PolyU.

Father Amin waited in the Tsim Sha Tsui Science Museum in the afternoon. He said that he had arrived the next day. The wife was already on the third day. He hoped to enter PolyU and directly persuade his daughter to leave. Amin believes that the number of parents staying outside of PolyU is not large. There are only a few families who believe that it will not affect the police deployment. It is recommended that parents can be accompanied by the police to enter PolyU. The school principal refused to the police after expressing their wishes to the police. .

Quoting daughter’s grief

Amin continued, her daughter was only a middle school student. She had not seen her parents for many days. The weather turned cold in recent days. She worried that her daughter would "eat well." He had a phone conversation with his daughter. The daughter said that she hoped to leave, but later said that she would not leave because I don't trust the police. I am afraid that I will face a police storm. I am afraid that I will be charged after I have been drawn. For the situation on campus, my daughter only shows him that he is safe and healthy.

Amin said that her daughter did not inform her parents before she went to PolyU. She believed that her daughter had not thrown any debris at the PolyU. There was no damage. He had not slept well in the past few days. He is not worried about whether his daughter will be charged or not. Leaving PolyU.