The Limited Times

[11.20 live broadcast] PolyU's last voluntary first aid evacuation of the principal estimated that about 100 people stayed behind

11/20/2019, 1:26:10 PM

On November 20th, the situation of the Polytechnic University, which had a fierce clash with the police, eased. Some people tried to escape from the school through the canal, but were immediately arrested by the police. Today, all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong resumed classes. However, some people initiated the operation of the MTR to block the doors. Many stations were once blocked. Many students wearing school uniforms were intercepted by riot police officers to check their identity cards and personal belongings. "Hong Kong 01" lived in the police for many hours before the extradition of PolyU's outer canal. Many people on the scene had been arrested and climbed out of the canal. There were also riot police officers in the vicinity of the Polytechnic University. In the live broadcast of "Hong Kong 01", police officers were on guard in the morning.

Social News

Written by: Mai Kaiyin, Yuan Wei, Zhang Jiamin, Zheng Jiaru, Liang Huanmin, Zheng Cuibi, Zhang Meihua, Xiao Xiaobin

2019-11-20 06:34

Last updated date: 2019-11-20 21:16

On November 20th, the situation of the Polytechnic University, which had a fierce clash with the police, eased. Some people tried to escape from the school through the canal, but were immediately arrested by the police. Today, all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong resumed classes. However, some people initiated the operation of the MTR to block the doors. Many stations were once blocked. Many students wearing school uniforms were intercepted by riot police officers to check their identity cards and personal belongings.

"Hong Kong 01" lived in the police for many hours before the extradition of PolyU's outer canal. Many people on the scene had been arrested and climbed out of the canal. There were also riot police officers in the vicinity of the Polytechnic University. In the live broadcast of "Hong Kong 01", police officers were on guard in the morning.

Latest traffic news

Relive the live broadcast:

Police intercepted the Hung Hom Canal, noon Kwun Tong "and you lunch"
President of the PolyU, Teng Jinguang, met with reporters, university students, and students, and met with reporters, the commander of the oil-point police district, He Run, the university, and the reporter.

[21:10] PolyU: The last few first-aid volunteers will be evacuated. Ye Jianyuan, a member of the Legislative Council of the Education Sector, and Chen Pei-ran, a member of the Legislative Council of the medical sector, will accompany him.

Extended reading:

[11.20] Zhongda will resume full service of the city's facilities next Monday. [11.20 PolyU] Demonstrators are escaping from the campus. The police are escaping from the campus. The police are red. The staff of the three-member British consulate, Simon Cheng, Zheng Wenjie said that he was resigned from the country. Seeking asylum [11.20 PolyU] The demonstrators in the school stayed in the dilemma and missed the sick mother

On November 20th, He Jiansheng, commander of Yau Tsim District, and a reporter from PolyU said that there were 1,000 people leaving PolyU, 300 of whom were under 18 years old. (Photo by Liang Pengwei)

[18:10] He Jiansheng, Commander of Yau Tsim District, PolyU Seeker:

He Runsheng said that since the incident has developed, the police understand that the environment inside PolyU is very dangerous. There are many young people under the age of 18 who wish to handle conflicts in the most peaceful way. They also hope to be flexible and flexible. In the past two days, the medical team can enter, and people under the age of 18 will be allowed to leave after registering the information. A total of approximately 1,000 people have been arrested and registered, 300 of whom are under 18 years of age and have left after registration. The police have assessed that the situation is somewhat milder. Therefore, roadblocks will be arranged and the pedestrian bridge will be built later. It is expected that the CHT will be opened at an appropriate time.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the police found 3 men and 1 woman uncovering the canal cover at Cheong Wan Road. Three men left the rope. The police arrested six people on charges of rioting and assisting crimes. One of them was unwell.

On Monday, someone escaped from the ropes and was intercepted by the police. 37 people were arrested. The police said that leaving the campus in these ways is very dangerous and calls for safe and orderly departure from PolyU.

For those who still stayed in PolyU, He Runsheng appealed to parents to contact the left-behind children to advise them. They could also contact the police and appeal again that everyone must lay down their arms. The police did not plan to enter PolyU and did not plan to unblock the campus. Asked if the parents of the left-behind personnel can enter the campus, He Runsheng means that it is difficult to predict the risk, because if the parents refuse to come out after entering, the left-behind will be turned into hundreds of people.

On the afternoon of November 20th, the fire frogman re-entered the channel to search for people trapped from PolyU. The frogman said to the ground through the communication system that "the inside of the canal is narrow, the water is tight, and it is difficult." The water depth is more than two meters. (Photo by McCain)

[17:30] Hung Hom: The fire frogman re-enters the channel and searches for people who have escaped from PolyU. The frogman said to the ground through the communication system that "the inside of the canal is narrow, the water is tight, and it is difficult." The water depth is more than two meters.




[16:50] The establishment organization organized many people to go to the Red Dragonfly to clear the roadblocks.

[16:40] The authorities sent personnel to clean up the roadblocks outside PolyU.

On November 20th, Li Aoran (right), the manager of the University of Science and Technology, and Liao Jianwei (left), the president of the Union College Student Association, met with reporters. (Photo by Xiao Xiaobin)


Liao Jianyu said that at least three university student journalists left the campus between 17 and 18, and were arrested for rioting. They have just been released on bail, but the school has not contacted these reporters to understand the situation.

Li Aoran said that he would use all methods to protect and rescue his classmates and failed to provide details of the action. He believes that the crisis of PolyU originated from November 11th. The police used tear gas bombs at universities such as Zhongda University and PolyU. The police used high force and inappropriate procedures to madly cast tear gas to the campus, but the school never responded.

[16:20] Li Xiaoran, the president of the University of Science and Technology, and Liao Jianyu, president of the College Student Union, met with reporters:

Li Ao-ran responded to Li Jiachao's "self-study theory". Li Jiachao said that leaving the campus is equivalent to "surrender" and "self-sufficiency". It is a violation of the promise of the safe exit of the secondary school and the social elite. He called on Li Jiachao to clarify the statement of "surrender." He said that there are still 100 people who have not left the PolyU. They are deeply sorry and worried about their safety. They once again appeal to the police to use the force to attack the campus. "Before the tear gas and rubber bullets flew, it was a "gun bullet". More than 1,000 tear gas and 1000 rubbers exceeded the minimum force pointed out by the police. They tried their best to attack the campus. It also reflected that the police did not comply with the promise." He thanked the Hong Kong people for their gratitude. PolyU stood up at a critical juncture and hoped that everyone would look forward to helping each other and solve the immediate crisis.

Liao Jianzhao, president of the Student Union, believes that people in PolyU are not thugs, but are enthusiastic citizens and classmates who guard Hong Kong. He did not agree with Teng Jin-guang's past thoughts on behalf of students and his thoughts on the "five major demands." Teng never said anything. After the conflict in PolyU, Teng Jin-Gang appeared and smiled at the camera and said "situation is good". To describe, he said that he would never agree and regret. He said that the school's high-level management should protect the campus. Today, the people who called the PolyU surrendered and left, and deeply regretted that they could not accept it.

[11.20] Zhongda will resume full service of several facilities in CityU next Monday.

[11.20 PolyU] Demonstrators escaping from the campus through the canals

Simon Cheng, a former staff member of the British Consulate, said that he was seeking asylum when he was resigned from Guoan.

[11.20 PolyU] The demonstrators who stayed behind the school were in a dilemma and missed the sick mother.

[15:58] Teng Jinguang estimates that there are still 100 people in the school, 20 of whom are students of the Polytechnic University. Asked if he had left the school's dead line, he said that he had not talked to the police about the dead line. He admitted that the campus was occupied with great challenges, but still tried to safely leave everyone. In the past two days, different people have left through dangerous methods such as climbing channels and ropes. Teng Yan said that they do not agree with these dangerous ways and hope that everyone can leave safely.

Reasonable college students or alumni criticized that when the PolyU confronted the most severe time, the principal did not appear, the school even called the police, and the students could still trust the school management. Teng Jinguang responded that the life safety of the school is the most important. I hope all the demonstrators I am safe to leave, I hope other students will feel that the way to deal with this is ok.

[15:44] PolyU President Teng Jinguang, who met reporters in the school, put forward three key points:

1. He has done a lot of work in the past few days to ensure the safety of the school. He had previously reached an agreement with the police that the demonstrators would not use force and the police would not use force. He believed that this arrangement was successful in the past few days. In the past few days, the police, team members, management, teachers, and the general public have done a lot of things behind them. He feels successful in this situation. Most people in the community are now leaving, hoping for peace.

2. Some demonstrators are now staying behind. The school is now in chaos. The dangerous chemicals are not safe and the sanitary conditions are relatively poor. They are worried about the safety and health of those who stay in the school. Once again, all those who remain on campus are called out as soon as possible.

3. If there are still demonstrators who feel worried about leaving, he and the school must ensure that the people who leave will be treated fairly. He has accompanied some people to the police station. Now he and other teachers are also waiting at the scene. They can accompany them to the police station. The sooner they come out, the better.

[14:30] Central: The riot police suddenly intercepted a man wearing a black mask in the crowd, searched his backpack and checked his ID card, and said "two o'clock, enough clock, back to the office building." The man who was intercepted left after about five minutes and was not arrested. The man who was intercepted said that working in Central, describing the police's ridiculous behavior, there was no demonstration at the scene, I do not know why the police officers need to act here. The riot police officers left, and only a small number of citizens gathered at the scene. They flashed the "and you lunch" parade and dispersed.

[14:02] Kwun Tong: The anti-riot police arrived at the scene to clear the roadblock and left, and the scene returned to calm.

[13:53] Kwun Tong: Some people moved to open the debris roadblock and Junye Street was reopened.

[13:45] Kwun Tong: There were four police cars on the open source road and they drove off the pier. After marching to the junction of Qiao Ming Street and Chun Yip Street, the demonstrators dispersed roughly peacefully.

[13:40] PolyU's scene: The headmaster of the middle school feels guilty about Li Jiachao's "self-supposition theory"

Deng Zhenqiang, president of the middle school principals' meeting, said that according to his understanding, today's arrangements for left-behind persons under the age of 18 are the same as those of the past two days. The school can take him away, and the police will only register him with him. The police reserve the right to prosecute in the future. He said that today will continue to follow the relevant procedures, and it will be effective in dismissing students. Deng Zhenqiang said that as far as he knows, no students under the age of 18 have been arrested or searched. He said that only about 10 middle school students were initially assessed on the PolyU campus, but the estimated number should be more. He said that he would do his best to reach out to all students and hope to make them safely return home.

Regarding the Secretary for Security, Mrs Regret Lee, who described himself as a "self-sufficiency" to leave PolyU, the Secretary of the Catholic Children's Association, Wu Shaomei, Li Jianwen said that the police have always promised not to arrest but to register their identity and to retain the hope of the Bureau. For clarification. He added that the relevant commitments have helped the students to leave in the past two days. However, some students today questioned their surrender. Li Jianwen said that he had never heard of his own statement and was dismayed by the Bureau.

[13:20] PolyU: Xia Zhicheng, the assistant bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, left the campus with a masked left-behind. Xia called the Catholic, who had talked to him last night and left a contact method. Soon after, he got a call from the man and expressed his wish to leave the PolyU campus and asked him to be there. Xia described the man as calm and left for his own will, the man under the age of 18.


Kwun Tong: There is a roadblock in the "and your lunch" parade. Many people call slogans along the way.

Central: The "Let with you" parade, the police raised the blue flag again. Police officers said that if the public stays again, it will constitute an illegal assembly. No citizens have left the road at the scene.


[13:02] Hung Hom: Fire frogmen put on protective gear and oxygen sputum into the canal outside PolyU. The fire then placed two ladders. The police officers measured the size of the canal cover at the mouth of the Hung Hoi Poly, and also used the flashlight to take photos inside. The frogman then held an oxygen tank alert, and the firefighters also prepared the ladder, and at least six riot police were on the outside. Before the "Hong Kong 01" live police and firefighting operations, the media had broadcasted relevant pictures. The news said that several people escaped from PolyU this morning and were arrested.


Kwun Tong: Nearly a hundred people gathered at the Chun Yip Street Playground. They only called the slogan and there was no action.

Central: More than 100 people gathered at the junction of Pedder Street and Des Voeux Road Central in Central and started to walk out of the road.

On November 20, Vice President and other staff of PolyU visited the PolyU campus. (photo by Zhang Jiamin)


Hung Hom: "Hong Kong 01" lived Police many hours before the extradition of PolyU's outer canal. Many people on the scene had been arrested and arrested. There were also riot police officers on various canals near the Polytechnic University. In the live broadcast of "Hong Kong 01", police officers were on guard in the morning. Before the live broadcast appeared on the street, the media had filmed and broadcasted police officers, firefighters and frogmen in the same location.

PolyU: Vice President of PolyU (Scientific Research Development) Wei Bingjiang and other three PolyU staff members were present at the scene, saying that they were aware of the damage to the laboratory. They were asked to inspect the safety situation, including chemical spills.

[12:13] Mr. Mai Fuda, Vice President of the University of Baptist, and Lv Bingquan, the chief lecturer of the Department of Journalism at the University of Hong Kong, arrived at the Polytechnic University. He said that he was informed that there are college students in the PolyU campus and hope to meet them first.

[12:03] Hung Hom: Some workers put the detection lens into the canal, and the fire frogman is on the scene. See the fire hand-held sewer line drawing at the scene. The reporters have been guarded by police through a number of ditches in Hung Hom.


Hung Hom: There are anti-riot police and fire protection on the scene outside a canal. According to the news, some people tried to escape from the water channel of the Polytechnic University, and no road surface has been discovered. The police intercepted the canal. There were at least five police cars, two fire engines and several tourist buses on the scene.

Comprehensive on-site news and cable news reports that several people walked out of the canal in the morning and were all arrested by the police. Some people need firefighting assistance when they leave the canal.

[11:48] PolyU: Another man and a woman were sent away by the ambulanceman. The man can walk.

[11:30] PolyU: A man was sent away by an ambulanceman and covered with felt.

[11:01] Princess Road: The water gun car and the sharp armored car are moving south to Princess Margaret Road.




[09:45] The government urges employers to consider the traffic and road conditions today and to make flexible arrangements for employees' work arrangements. This will help maintain good labour relations and ensure the safety of employees and the smooth operation of their institutions. "The Government will also handle the situation of government employees in a considerate manner. If an employee fails to return to work in time due to traffic problems, he should notify his immediate supervisor as soon as possible and the relevant departments will handle the flexibility."

[09:39] Kowloon Tong Station: There are passengers on the East Rail Line who are not suitable for ambulances. The East Rail Line is headed to the Kwun Tong Line and is crowded with people.

[09:12] Mong Kok Station: Some passengers were dissatisfied and were unable to queue up to enter the carriage. They left and went, "Yu Duo was depressed"; some passengers said that they did not expect that the MTR would be blocked today and lamented. When do you know how to play (blocker), how long do you want to play?"

[09:10] The Department of Health said that due to the obstruction of traffic services, some of the clinic services will be affected and the Department will strive to resume normal services as soon as possible. There may be different levels of traffic conditions in various districts. If the appointment is not scheduled for consultation, there is no need to worry about rushing to the clinic. You can call the clinic for a different consultation time later.

[08:57] Mong Kok Station: There is a lady sitting on the platform waiting for a rest. She said that the train is long queued and there is no hope of getting on the train for a while. "Good color, I am about to eat breakfast for friends today, come out early. If you go By 9 o'clock, I am going to take the bus."

[08:44] The MTR said that before the East Rail Line drove the bus this morning, the MTR personnel inspected the rails and found a large amount of foreign objects near the Fanling Station. More bicycles were hung on the overhead cables. After cleaning and determining, After the safe driving, the first shuttle bus was opened, but there was still a little delay.

[08:34] Mong Kok Station: Some passengers are dissatisfied with leaving the station. The Kowloon Tong Station is also exploding and there is a need for crowd control.

[08:27] Mong Kok Station: The train from the Tsuen Wan Line to the Central direction has been blocked for a long time and many passengers are waiting on the platform.




[08:21] Hung Hom: More than 200 people lined up at Hung Hom Ferry Pier and waited for the ferry at 8:30 to Wan Chai.

[08:10] Hung Hom: A large number of people lined up at the Hung Hom Ferry Pier to take the ferry to North Point.

[08:05] PolyU: One man and one woman were sent away by the ambulanceman. The two had towels and insulation blankets.

[08:00] PolyU: A female left-behind was sent away by three ambulancemen. She wrapped her body with felt.

[08:00] Kwun Tong: Concord Street has worn school uniforms and black people blocking roads, and has repeatedly collided with the city. The live ammunition riot police were later dispersed to disperse.

[07:45] Jordan: Jordan Road Government Primary School is one of the resumption classes in Yau Tsim Mong District. The school has returned to work. The reporter has not seen any school back to school since 7:00 in the morning.

[07:36] Netizens launched the "Dawn Action 2.0" to block traffic operations. The service of the MTR West Rail Line and the Kwun Tong Line was blocked.

[07:23] PolyU: There are 2 males and 1 female uncomfortable in the school. One of them is "good frozen" and the other is called "heartache". The St. John Ambulance ambulanceman received the report and dealt with the health of the three.

[07:10] PolyU: A police car has arrived at the Chatham Road South outside the Polytechnic University.

[07:00] In response to the destruction of the Hung Hom Cross Harbour Tunnel and the failure to open in a short period of time, the Transport Department will start two free ferry service routes starting from 7 am to 7 pm this morning (20 pm). 30 minutes.

(a) Round-trip Hung Hom (South) Ferry Pier to Wan Chai Public Pier (near Golden Bauhinia Square)
(b) Round-trip to the public pier at Ma Tau Kok Estate, Kowloon City to Wan Chai Public Pier (close to Golden Bauhinia Square)




[05:59] Nearly 6 o'clock in the morning, there were four demonstrators who remained on the campus of the Polytechnic University. They climbed the hillside of the University of Science and Technology Y to the world funeral parlor, trying to break through the police line of defense. The location and police post were less than 80 meters. Three of them ran out of the road after a few seconds, and were immediately found and arrested by police officers, bringing a nearby police car. The last person did not follow.

In the past few days, the Yau Tsim Mong District has become a battlefield between the police and the demonstrators. The petrol bombs and tear gas are flying across the ground. Many schools have not cleaned and suspended the resumption of classes. According to the primary and secondary schools in the district, at least 13 primary schools and 3 secondary schools will continue to suspend classes today and will only resume classes on Thursday (21st) or next Monday (25th).

Today's situation in some schools in Yau Tsim Mong (only schools with published websites are listed)

Suspension Primary School:

Dexin School (reviewed next Monday)

Methodist School (reviewed next Monday)

Yau Ma Tei Kai Fong Association School (reviewed next Monday)

Diocesan Girls' Primary School (returned next Monday)

Canossa St. Mary's School (returned next Monday)

Yau Ma Tei Catholic Primary School (resumption on Thursday)

Yau Ma Tei Catholic Primary School (Hai Po Road) (resumption on Thursday)

Kowloon Women's Welfare Association Li Bing Memorial School (resumption on Thursday)

Dongguan Tongxianghui Fangshuquan School

Chinese Christian Church Wanchai Tongji Road Primary School

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Luo Yu Ji Primary School

SKH Kei Wing Primary School

Chinese Christian Church Foundation Primary School

Resumption of primary school:

Canton Road Government Primary School

Jordan Road Government Primary School

Po Leung Kuk Chan Shouren Primary School

Tong Mei Road Government Primary School

Dajiazui Catholic Primary School

Dajiazui Catholic Primary School (Haifan Road)

Fresh fish school

Suspension secondary school:

Diocesan Girls' College (reviewed next Monday)

Catholic Xinmin College (reviewed next Monday)

Christian Hong Kong Lutheran Church Xinyi Middle School (resumption on Thursday)

Rehearsal secondary school:

Chinese Christian Church Mingji College

Hong Kong and Kowloon Chaozhou Association Secondary School

Kowloon San Yu Secondary School

World Longgang School Liu Huangfa Middle School

SKH All Saints Middle School

St. Francis College

Fugitives Regulations, University of Science and Technology, Diocesan Girls' College, Fresh Fish School, Anti-Reformation, Demonstration

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