The Limited Times

[Tuen Mun Conflict] The Police Chief of the Po Yip Estate Committee complained that the riot police illegally entered the private housing estates.

11/20/2019, 12:53:04 PM

Unexplained gas invaded the door on the 28th of last month, and at least 11 people felt unwell and needed to be sent to hospital. Some people have questioned the gas leakage caused by the police's Daxing Action Base. Although the police denied that they used tear gas or tried any unknown gas in Tuen Mun on the same day, they still caused dissatisfaction among the nearby citizens and eventually became a conflict. During the conflict, the riot police fired tear gas into the platform and floor of the private housing estates and entered the private housing estates to search for residents without a search warrant and no alarm. Today (20th), the Pui Yee Garden Committee, accompanied by Legislative Council Member Zhu Kaidi and the Community Officer of the District Health Centre, Mr Loi Lai-yiu, went to the Wan Chai Police Headquarters (Police Complaints Against Police Office) to complain that the Police had illegally entered a private place for raids.

District 18 News

Written by: Zeng Fengting

2019-11-20 20:36

Last updated date: 2019-11-20 20:36

Unexplained gas invaded the door on the 28th of last month, and at least 11 people felt unwell and needed to be sent to hospital. Some people have questioned the gas leakage caused by the police's Daxing Action Base. Although the police denied that they used tear gas or tried any unknown gas in Tuen Mun on the same day, they still caused dissatisfaction among the nearby citizens and eventually became a conflict. During the conflict, the riot police fired tear gas into the platform and floor of the private housing estates and entered the private housing estates to search for residents without a search warrant and no alarm. Today (20th), the Pui Yee Garden Committee, accompanied by Legislative Council Member Zhu Kaidi and the Community Officer of the District Health Centre, Mr Loi Lai-yiu, went to the Wan Chai Police Headquarters (Police Complaints Against Police Office) to complain that the Police had illegally entered a private place for raids.

The riot police entered the private housing platform on the 28th last month.

Cona, a resident of Baoyi Garden, said that when she and other residents were observing on the platform of the housing estate, a group of police officers suddenly entered the platform. She said: "Under the circumstances of (we) we do not know why we can enter the platform according to our housing code." It is reported that the police searched the Po Yi Garden platform without any search warrant. She continued, after the police entered the platform, they accused the residents and caused their panic. Afterwards, residents were dissatisfied and had several questions: "First, why do the police have our housing code and can enter the estate? Second, why can they enter without a search warrant? Third, they do not have permission to enter. The housing estates searched the tenants and inspected the tenants." She thinks that these points are very unreasonable.

Zhu Kaidi said that in the past, riot police also went to private housing estates to do some investigations, which caused a lot of controversy. He stressed that "Under the Police Force Ordinance 50(3), if they do not have a clear target of arrest, they must have a search warrant to go upstairs and enter the estate for investigation." (Cap 232 Police Force Ordinance - section 50 , arrest, detention and bail of suspected persons and the seizure of suspected property, (3) if any police officer has reason to believe that any person who is required to be arrested has entered or is in a place, he or she resides there or manages it. When the police officer requests it, the police officer must be allowed to enter the office freely and give all reasonable facilities for him to search.) He pointed out that this procedure was not carried out in the Po Yi Garden. For police officers who can enter the estate by their own passwords, he said: "I have not heard of this in other housing estates."

Legislative Council Member Zhu Kaidi accompanied the representatives of the Baoyi Garden Industry Committee to the Wan Chai Police Headquarters for complaints. (Photo by Zeng Fengting)

Tear tears scattered in residential areas, affecting nearby citizens and hospital patients

Miss Oh, the resident of Baoyi Garden, witnessed the police launching tear gas on the platform of the housing estate on the 28th of last month. She said that the police suddenly cast three tear gas bombs on the platform of Baoyi Garden, which made many residents on the platform feel uncomfortable. They needed to deal with them on their own. She is puzzled: "Is the police now able to put tear gas indiscriminately?" She said that during the tear gas bombing, the police did not tell the reason. It is reported that Baoyi Garden is adjacent to Tuen Mun Hospital Rehabilitation Building, Tuen Mun Hospital and Long Term Nursing Home. Miss Oh questioned whether the placement of tear gas at this place would affect nearby patients, children and the elderly, making the patient's condition more serious and unclear what would cause harm to nearby citizens.

The apartment of the elderly was shot on the spot and fainted

It is reported that on the 28th of last month, the police fired weapons in Baoyi Garden, but the residents did not know what type of weapons they used at the time. The weapon was sent twice in error. One of the three men who lived in the house was shot. One of the elders fainted on the spot and is still in hospital. The windows of the two shots were damaged. Residents whose windows are damaged will now negotiate with the insurance company through the management department. Other follow-up matters will be handled by the claiming company and the police. Afterwards, the industry committee also informed the police that its warhead had been recovered by the police.

Miss He, who lives in the upper floor of the shot, said that she was in the hospital on the next day after the incident because of redness, itching and airway discomfort. She said: "At the same time, in two houses (tears), after a false call at the same time, there was a second misfire. I don't know why they could have sent them twice at the same time?"

The Baoyi Garden Industry Committee complained that the police illegally broke into private places for search and arrest. It was carried out under the authorization of the residents of Baoyi Garden. A total of 210 households signed a complaint. Resident representatives hope that the Police Complaints Division will face up to their complaints and investigate whether the police's actions against the people of Hong Kong are reasonable and have received a reasonable response.

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