The Limited Times

Berri reveals the failure of plans targeting Lebanon during the recent protests

11/20/2019, 7:20:03 PM

BEIRUT, (SANA) - Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri has revealed the failure of plans aimed at Lebanon during the protests


Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri revealed the failure of plans aimed at Lebanon during the recent protests, stressing that the priority is civil peace.

Berri said during Wednesday's parliamentary meeting that "the biggest loser yesterday was sedition and who was fueling it and the biggest winner was Lebanon and his civil peace because the bet was to circulate the vacuum that we have repeatedly warned of." He did not fall a single point of blood because what was required in the black rooms planning to shed blood, which we do not accept the priority for us was and will remain Lebanon and his civil peace.

Berri stressed the activation of the work of the House of Representatives committees, especially the Finance and Budget Committee in order to discuss and approve the 2020 budget.

On the other hand, the financial prosecutor in Lebanon, Judge Ali Ibrahim Ali former communications ministers Nicolas Sahnawi and Peter Harb and Jamal surgeons and referred them to the Supreme Council for the trial of presidents and ministers.

The Attorney General also called on the directors of Alpha and Touch and the Director General of Ogero to commit “waste, embezzlement of public funds and illicit enrichment” and referred the case to the first investigating judge in Beirut.

The Lebanese capital Beirut and a number of Lebanese areas in the north, the Bekaa and the south since 17 October last demonstrations against the deterioration of living conditions, including cut off roads and the closure of schools, banks and a number of institutions.