The Limited Times

[Fugitive Offenders Ordinance] 50 people on Hong Kong Island at night and "Run with you" Participants take their children to participate

11/21/2019, 3:32:04 PM

The anti-reforms storm lasted for several months, and the public launched different actions to express their appeals. Some members of the public launched the "Run with You" operation tonight (21st), running from the Zhongshan Memorial Park to the outer space of the Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition. The event started at 9 pm and about 50 people participated. They lit up the flashlights and slogans along the way, and arranged the words "SOS" at the end. Some participants admitted that they had been arrested, but they still hope that "enterprise" will continue to express their aspirations through peaceful means. At the same time, parents also took the participation of young children and frankly insisted on persisting for the next generation.

Social News

Written by: Zhang Jiamin

2019-11-21 23:15

Last updated: 2019-11-21 23:15

The anti-reforms storm lasted for several months, and the public launched different actions to express their appeals. Some members of the public launched the "Run with You" operation tonight (21st), running from the Zhongshan Memorial Park to the outer space of the Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition.

The event started at 9 pm and about 50 people participated. They lit up the flashlights and slogans along the way, and arranged the words "SOS" at the end.

Some participants admitted that they had been arrested, but they still hope that "enterprise" will continue to express their aspirations through peaceful means. At the same time, parents also took the participation of young children and frankly insisted on persisting for the next generation.

They ran to the exhibition outside the coast. (photo by Zhang Jiamin)

"Run with you" starts at 9 pm and starts at the Zhongshan Memorial Park. It ends at the open space outside the Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition. About 50 people participated in the event. They ran to the open space outside the exhibition. They sometimes cheered each other and said to the companion that "Athletic dragon is behind you." They arranged "SOS" at the end, which was high. Slogans and choruses are honored to be returned to Hong Kong. The event ended at about 10 pm and the participants dispersed peacefully.

Although Miss Chen was arrested, she still insisted on "coming out." (photo by Zhang Jiamin)

Participant Ms. Chen said that she was arrested in the Prince Edward area by masked law and illegal assembly in October. However, she said that she was only at the footpath and she also successfully "kicked up" earlier. Miss Chen also pointed out that due to the recent conflict between Zhongda University and PolyU, there were onlookers who had been arrested for passing the scene, so they hoped to express their demands in a peaceful way. She thinks that the police want to stop the anti-reform demonstrations through mass arrests. However, she believes that there will only be counter-productive effects, which will inspire more people to "carry out" and wait until the government responds to the demands.

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Mr Wong and his wife took the children from 6 to 8 years old to participate in the activities. They said that they have been concerned about the anti-reform movement since June and have been involved in large-scale demonstrations with their children. I hope to educate the next generation. I’m talking about the police’s violent and violent behavior. I have witnessed the recent grievances of the PolyU and the CUHK conflict. I admit that the next generation must insist on “enterprise”. There are a few women who are rushing, but they must do it."

Fugitive Offenders Regulations